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             In a world characterised by Always On, the drive for greater productivity and ‘more is better’, the Enlightened Zagger often promotes the virtues of ‘slow’ (slow journalism, slow fashion), of simplicity and reduction (KonMari, and a slew of apps that help us voluntarily restrict our screen time), or the surprising benefits of less (the Four-Hour Work Week). And the opportunity for the Enlightened Zagger here is not just to embrace the opposite, but to give a culture and drama to what they are doing, and create an alternative aspiration of their own; an aspiration that often lies in defending values now seemingly lost in a wave of change.
A Summary of this Narrative
Core Strategic Thought:
The enlightened brand deliberately swimming against the prevailing cultural or category tide.
What is it challenging?
A prevailing and commonly/unthinkingly accepted aspect of contemporary culture.
Why does its consumer respond to it?
Through being provoked and stimulated by the surprising or contrarian stance the challenger takes.

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