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             Mark Adams, Managing Director
The Interview
Against Obsolescence Vitsœ
Vitsœ is a furniture company built upon the idea of sufficiency, not consumption. It is, in some ways, challenging the concepts of capitalism and consumerism, and that makes it one of the most interesting challengers we’ve studied. Vitsœ does not zag against fast fashion to be different or for competitive advantage, but because of deeply held views about the world and what is wrong with it.
It leads the world on sustainability, and has done since it was founded in 1959 – before the idea was popular, and certainly before the issue was as important and urgent as it is today. Mark Adams is Vitsœ’s thoughtful and tenacious Managing Director.
Why does Vitsœ exist?
Vitsœ’s purpose, as a company, is to allow more people to live better with less, that lasts longer. This doesn’t mention shelves, chairs or tables.
It doesn’t even mention furniture. And that’s why I say, only slightly provocatively, I don’t regard Vitsœ as a furniture company. We happen to make furniture but there’s so much more that we do within that purpose.
Mark Adams
at Vitsœ’s headquarters and production facility in Leamington Spa, England.
86 Enlightened Zagger

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