Page 90 - Overthrow_Black&WhiteVersion
P. 90

            I agree. I absolutely agree. The short-term, thoughtless disposability of our world is clearly completely unsustainable, and we stand fundamentally and passionately against that. The human race is subject to the laws of nature. That is an irrefutable fact, and we have been behaving now, probably since the Industrial Revolution, but in particular in the last half a century, as though we are somehow a higher being and above the laws of nature. We are not.
Those laws are biting back right now. I was only discussing at lunch with one of my colleagues today about the three metres of snow in Austria at the moment, where roofs have collapsed. That’s global warming. People say, ‘Oh no, that can’t be global warming, it’s snow.’ That’s global warming, because we’ve been warned that it’s all about extremes
of weather. That’s what global warming is causing. It has taken David Attenborough to remind us again and again of the perils of what we are doing, and we continue to ignore the advice.
The United Nations has told us we’ve now got
only 12 years to change our ways. I see next to
no evidence that within 12 years we’re going to
get anywhere near to the fundamental changes that we need to make. So that’s what we stand passionately against. Obviously, the laws of nature dictate balance, and we are upsetting that balance. It’s that simple. We’re taking billions of years of carbon stored beneath us and chucking it up there.

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