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            honest; that’s not respectful. We stand against that. Initially, people can be quite aggravated by that. But then customers come to respect that.
We might lose some people at that point because we stand up for who we are – believers in honesty, respect and integrity – and many a time customers have said, ‘I really respect what you do there, even if it riled me initially when I couldn’t get a discount.’
So how does Vitsœ approach marketing?
We don’t use the word marketing at Vitsœ; we communicate. We are communicating all day long at all levels, whether it’s our installers coming into your home, one of our planners measuring your wall, the person answering the telephone, where you see us on social media, our newsletters, a piece of literature you pick up from us, the van you see driving past you. All of that is communicating. That is the engine that drives our business, our constant communication with the outside world.
You might become aware of us, more often than not, via a friend or family member who actually tips you off. You then come into our world and you buy from us, and you enter what I call a honeymoon period. We hear it so often, ‘I just can’t stop telling everybody about you’ – and that’s the critical bit
for us, those 6, 8, 10, 12 weeks where customers are just so excited about the experience they’ve been through that they then bring in the unaware to our world. That’s what drives us, and I will regard Vitsœ as being a success when we no longer need to spend any money on advertising.

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