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            We spend small amounts of money on advertising. When that engine room of delighted customers bringing in new customers is working fully, then I’ll feel we’re really doing something well.
What single piece of communication best exemplifies Vitsœ’s stance?
We have a campaign running at the moment with a quote from industrial designer Dieter Rams in 1976, from a speech he gave in New York, explaining that Vitsœ doesn’t make furniture for consumers, but for users. That ad is titled ‘Not For Consumers’, below a picture of the shelving system. Again, it’s meant to be challenging. Normally somewhere in our ads is a little bit of a challenge to the audience. Because you have to think to come into this world. Sometimes I’m asked who our customers are. I will say, ‘They’re people who think beyond the end of their nose.’ That’s a very important aspect for us, bringing
in those people who just say ‘A-ha’; they want to engage.
For the entire month of January every year we run our ‘No Sale’ campaign that fills the windows of our stores. It says ‘Sorry, no sale’. And that stops people in the street and they turn and look, and there’s an explanation of why we don’t have sales and why
we don’t ever discount.
We have previously closed our shops on Black Friday, to point out our opposition to a world that is constantly trying to stimulate short-term sales. We also send handwritten notes and cards to our
92 Enlightened Zagger

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