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Out of the Woods of Oregon
Terms and Conditions of Sale
By placing an order with Out of the Woods, you have agreed to all terms and conditions stated.
REORDERS: $75.00
We have tiered pricing in order to accommodate our customers’ desire for Although it is our commitment to ship all orders complete, we do
variety when ordering. The higher cost is for order quantities of less than occasionally have stock outages. In the event an order is not
the case pack per SKU. shipped complete, we do not ship back orders unless specifically
requested by the customer or if the cost to ship is not affected by
Many of our items must ship in full case packs. the split shipment.
The case packs can be assorted with same items of different styles.
Higher cost applies to all assorted case packs. RETURNED GOODS AND CREDITS:
Pricing is subject to change without notice. No returns will be accepted without prior written authorization
including a Return Authorization Number provided by Out of the
Woods of Oregon.
First Orders are on Prepay Terms. Customers who have not ordered from DAMAGED/DEFECTIVE GOODS:
us in over 15 Months are considered New Customers.
All claims for damaged or defective goods must be made
within 10 days from the date of shipment. Please take care to
PAYMENT METHODS: unpack and inspect your entire shipment upon receipt.
We accept the following forms of Payment: MasterCard, Visa, American
Express or Paypal. We also accept ACH/EFT or Bank Wire Transfer. First SHIPPING:
Orders are Credit Card Terms.
All orders are shipped FOB Eugene, Oregon via UPS Ground or
USPS. We are happy to ship collect on your UPS account.
Net 30 Days upon credit approval. APPLYING FOR NET 30 CREDIT TERMS:
(A 3% service charge will be applied to all Net 30 payments Please contact us for our PDF Fillable Credit Application. We will
made by Credit Card.) 1-1/2% interest per month will be charged for accept your own credit sheet however, please make sure that the
all overdue balances. Orders will not be shipped to accounts with required information is included and legible. We require Fax or
delinquent balances. Delinquent accounts will be placed on credit card Email contacts for all references. The application process takes 2 -
terms. A $25 fee will be charged for all NSF checks. 3 weeks.
Questions & Inquiries: Questions & Ordering
Office: 541-554-2530 Order Via Email or Text
Fax: 541-746-1013
Email: Text: 541-554-2530
33556 Bloomberg RD
Eugene, OR 97405