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ระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย                                       - 6 -               รายวิชาภาษาอังกฤษเพื�อชีวิตและสังคม   ระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย                                       - 7 -               รายวิชาภาษาอังกฤษเพื�อชีวิตและสังคม

 17. What kind of the food should you follow these steps?   18. What is the weather like over the Gulf of Thailand?
    1.  Get a bowl, add some       a.  Sunny

          Veggies and some meat.      b.  Strong wind

    2.  Mix all of your ingredients.      c.  Heavy rainfalls

         Into the boel and stir together.      d.  Heavy rainfalls with strong waves
    3.  Add the fish sauce and pepper.      ตอบ d.  Heavy rainfalls with strong waves

    4.  Serve.   19. What should people in this area do?

                       a.  They should take a risk of high flooding.

    a.  Salad          b.  They should attentionally face the heavy rainfall.
    b.  Steak          c.  They should bravely confront this strong southwest.

    c.  Fried rice      d.  They should realize a flooding condition of the Southwest Monsoon.

    d.  Onion soup      ตอบ d.  They should realize a flooding condition of the Southwest Monsoon.
    ตอบ  a.  Salad    20.  What is “torrential rain”?

 Question no. 18-19      a.  Hight waves

    Warning            b.  Strong wind
    “Heavy Rainfalls and Strong      c.  Very heavy rain

    Wind - Waves”      d. Strong wind – waves

    No.2 (120/2009) Time Tssued : August 24,2009      ตอบ c.  Very heavy rain
       The rather strong southwest monsoon

    still prevails over the Andaman Sea, Thailand,

    and the Gulf of Thailand. Torrential rain and

    isolated heavy to very heavy flls are likely in the
    south. People in the risky areas along foothills

    near waterways and in lowlands should beware of

    flooding condition during this period.

                                                  รายวิชาภาษาอังกฤษเพื่อชีวิตและสังคม (พต31001) ระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย  193
                                                                                     สำ�นักง�น กศน.จังหวัดก�ฬสินธุ์
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