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ระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย                                       - 12 -               รายวิชาภาษาอังกฤษเพื�อชีวิตและสังคม   ระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย                                       - 13 -               รายวิชาภาษาอังกฤษเพื�อชีวิตและสังคม

 a.  Hd found / climbed   Questions no. 35 – 36

 b.  found / was climbing up

 c.  had found / was climbing up       Academics called on the
                   government yesterday to review
 d.  found / had been climbing up   Its Bht 350-billion water-

 ตอบ  b.  found / was climbing up    management mega- projects,

 33.  “Rome  was not built in a day,”      Saying they would cause conflicts.

 Means _____________________.      They also urged the government

    a.  It’s easy to do everything.      to reveal details to the public,

    b.  It’s difficult to make a new Rome.      especially data related to risk
    c.  It takes time to do something.      areas, as well as  use a multiparty

    d.  It likes a peace of cake for doing everything.      rater-management mechanism

    ตอบ  c.  It takes time to do something.      with people’s stakeholders’
 34.           35.  What is the type of this news?
    MOST FAMOUS PANDA       a.   Sport news

    Thailand  requests China to            b.   Local news
    extend stay for Lin ping            c.   Politics news

    By the Nation              d.   Education news

    Thailand on Monday starts            ตอบ      c.   Politics news
    negotiation with the visiting   36.  According to the news, what is the main idea?

    Chinese delegation to extend       a.    People must get away from the risky areas.

    the stay of panda Lin Ping,      b.    The government should tell the important detail to the public.

    who is scheduled to return to      c.    The water- management mega- projects  are a cause of conflicts.
    China in may.      d.    Academics want to the a part of  water- management mega- projects.

                        ตอบ      b.    The government should tell the important detail to the public.

           What is the Headline?      คําอธิบาย a, c , d ไม่เกี�ยวข้องกับ main idea

    a.  Most famous panda   37.  What is a Philosophy of Sufficiency  Economy?
    b.  Thailand requests China       a.   It is a state of not requiring any aid or any support.

    c.  The stay of panda Lin Ping       b.   It is theory  which can make much money by using agriculture.

    d.  Lin Ping returns to China in May       c.   It is a  revolutionary socialist movement to create a moneyless  and stateless social.
    ตอบ  a. Most famous panda       d.   It is a method of development based on moderation , prudence, and social immunity.

                                                  รายวิชาภาษาอังกฤษเพื่อชีวิตและสังคม (พต31001) ระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย  199
                                                                                     สำ�นักง�น กศน.จังหวัดก�ฬสินธุ์
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