P. 6
25.05.2021 / TUESDAY VOLUME01/ EST.2021 06
World’s Highest Daily Rise in COVID-19 Cases
in India Record Deaths!!!
S do what they can to keep them breathing. They've extended their bed
omething has gone horribly wrong in India. Today, the country
capacity by looking after sick coronavirus patients in a tented village in
has reported 17,313,163 new cases of COVID-19 with 195,123
deaths. Overall, nearly 190,000 people have died from COVID
in the country, while more than 16.6 million have been infected. Five the hospital grounds. There's row after row of sick patients and most
are on oxygen. India's terrible statistics continue on an upward
states namely, Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Thamilnadu and Andra trajectory, with yet more global records set on the increase in the
Pradesh are contributing almost 55% of total cases. The prime minister number of daily COVID cases.
Mr.Narendra Modi says the wave of COVID cases were hitting like a
It is now the second most-affected country in the world by active cases
storm. Cases started rising since February and so far, this month India
and the fourth by deaths (more than 190,000), with worries that the
has become the second worst infected country.
number of fatalities is being grossly underreported. The trauma, the
It’s very hard to imagine just how much worse it could get when the panic, the fear is taking its toll on its citizens, its faltering health system
county’s citizens are begging in the streets for air; people are collapsing and its health workers.
and dying on hospital doorsteps and administrators are saying oxygen
"I've never seen so many mortalities in our ICU," said Dr Piush Girdar,
is like gold right now. But while the government was busy urging the
who works in critical care. "I get maybe 50 calls a day asking for drugs,
country not to panic, and international partners were organizing aid
beds, cylinders… we don't have anything available and patients are
flights transporting oxygen supplies, the doctors at the sharp end were
telling us they're bracing themselves for a torrid fortnight ahead.
According to media reports, even in the largest COVID center complex
"The situation is critical right now. This pandemic is the worst we have
have only 2200 beds for the patients. Hospital beds, ventilators,
ever seen until now. The next two weeks are going to be hell for us,"
ambulances and other facilities are not enough in India in the current
says Dr Shaarang Sachdev from the Aakash Healthcare Super Specialty
situation. Family members are waiting for gaining oxygen cylinders
Hospital. His emergency room, now regularly has seven or eight which
which are in short supply. The capital of New Delhi, which is under
is normally equipped for three patients.
lockdown until May 3, is facing severe oxygen shortages and some of
"That woman should be in ICU now," he said, pointing to a young its hospitals have taken to Twitter, to ask for more supplies. Countries
woman on a ventilator. "She's been here for two days because there's around the world are stepping up to over aid as bodies pile up in
no beds in intensive care." The nurses and doctors are often working morgues and crematoriums. Some authorities have been forced to hold
back-to-back shifts. Some have relatives with COVID in the same mass cremations at makeshift sites.
hospital where they're working.
“After successfully tackling the first wave, the nation’s morale was
"We don't even have time to go and visit them," said Dr Sachdev. high. It was confident.” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in his
They're exhausted, physically and emotionally - and many are angry. monthly radio program.
The hospital's managing director, Dr Aashish Chaudhry, said he woke “But this storm has shaken the nation.”
several times a night every night to check on oxygen supplies, to source
Doctors constantly monitoring every patient. Many just lifeless due to
it, to hunt down supplies. "I'm buying oxygen at the rate of gold right
the disease and taking breath is really a struggle to them. Hospitals are
now," he said.
turning away patients due to the shortage of facilities. Health care
The situation has come to that level - and the black marketing is going facilities are also low on oxygen supply. To minimize this situation, all
on. Oxygen was like 20-22 rupees per kilogram and today its 50 rupees the humans should follow health instructions strictly and should stay
per kilogram. Remdesivir injections, which is normally like 4,000 home safely. Let’s pray for India and we all should dedicate to save
rupees, even 2,000 rupees. mother earth!
People are buying at 40,000 rupees. This should not be happening. But
they beg, barter and buy what they can to keep their patients alive and
Mandrie Anuththara, Ruvini Gunathilake