Page 25 - Brugger Karl The chronicle of Akakor
P. 25

The Chronicle of Akakor
           laid down the basis for a powerful empire. Then he returned to the Gods. He convened the elders of the
           people and the highest priests and passed his laws on to them. He ordered the people to live according to
           the Gods’ bequest forever and to obey his commands. Then Lhasa turned to the East and bowed low
           before the rising sun. Before its rays touched the holy city, he ascended the Mountain of the Moon
           which looms over Machu Picchu in his flying disk and forever withdrew from the humans. This is what
           the priests relate about the mysterious departure of the Exalted Son of the Gods, Lhasa, the only prince
           of the Chosen Tribes who came from the stars.

           Samon and the Empire in the East

           "Lhasa was often absent with his flying disk. He visited his brother Samon. He flew to the mighty
           empire in the East. And he took a strange vessel with him that could pass over water and mountains."

           The Chronicle of Akakor does not tell much about the empire of Samon, Lhasa’s brother, who had
           descended to earth with the Gods in the year 7315. According to the written history of my people, he
           settled on a large river beyond the eastern ocean. He chose wandering tribes and taught them his
           knowledge and wisdom. Under his leadership, they cultivated fields and constructed powerful stone
           cities. A mighty empire developed, a mirror image of Akakor, constructed according to the same
           bequest of the Gods, who also determined the lives of the Ugha Mongulala.

           Lhasa, the prince of Akakor, regularly visited his brother Samon in his empire and stayed with him in
           the magnificent temple cities on the great river. To strengthen the link between the two nations, he
           commanded the construction of Ofir, a powerful harbor city at the mouth of the Great River, in the year
           7425 (3056 B.C.). For almost a thousand years, ships from Samon’s empire docked here with their
           valuable cargoes. In exchange for gold and silver they brought scrolls with writing in the language of
           our Ancient Fathers, and they brought rare woods, finest fabrics, and green stones that were unfamiliar
           to my people. Soon Ofir had become one of the wealthiest cities of the empire and a target for the
           savage tribes in the East. They stormed against the city in repeated attacks, raided the ships at anchor,
           and disrupted the communications with the interior. When the empire disintegrated a thousand years
           after Lhasa’s departure, they succeeded in conquering Ofir in a mighty campaign. They ransacked the
           city and burned it down. The Ugha Mongulala yielded the coastal provinces at the eastern ocean and
           withdrew into the interior of the country. And the connection to Samon’s empire was severed.

           My people have retained only the memory of Samon’s empire and his gifts to Lhasa, the written scrolls
           and the green stones. Our priests have preserved them in the underground temple complex of Akakor,
           where Lhasa’s flying disk and the strange vessel that can pass over mountains and water are also kept.
           The flying disk has the color of glistening gold and is made of an unknown metal. It is shaped like a
           clay cylinder, and is as high as two men standing on top of each other and as broad. There is room for
           two people in the disk. It has neither sails nor oars. But our priests say that Lhasa could fly faster with it
           than the strongest eagle and could move through the clouds as lightly as a leaf in the wind. The strange
           vessel is equally mysterious. Seven long legs carry a large silver-plated bowl. Three legs point to the
           front, three to the back. They resemble bent bamboo stalks and are mobile; they terminate in rollers as
           large as water lilies.

           These are the last vestiges of the glorious period of Lhasa and Samon. Much water has since flowed into
           the ocean. The formerly powerful empire, 130 families of the Gods who came to earth, has broken up
           and men live without hope. But the Gods will return. They will return to help their brothers, the Ugha
           Mongulala, who are of the same blood and the same father, as it was written in the chronicle:

           "This is what Lhasa has predicted. And thus it will happen. New blood links will develop between the
           empires of Lhasa and Samon. The alliance between their peoples will be renewed, and their descendants
           will find each other again. Then the Former Masters will return."
           Akahim, the Third Fortress

           We know of Akahim, the Third Fortress, since the time of Lhasa. This stone city lies in the mountains at

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