Page 54 - Brugger Karl The chronicle of Akakor
P. 54
The Chronicle of Akakor
and her children’s children.
European history up to the French Revolution was characterized by the rivalry between France and the
house of Hapsburg, and overseas by the struggle for colonial predominance. 1776 was a decisive date in the
history of the North American continent, and in 1783, England recognized the independence of the United
States of America. The extermination of the North American Indians began at the same time. The history of
the Spanish colonies in South America finished in 1824 with the battle of Ayacucho when Antonio José de
Sucre, a commander of Simon Boilvar’s "Patriots," decisively defeated the Spanish mercenaries. A number
of independent republics developed, among them Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Chile. In 1822, Brazil
declared its independence from Portugal. The same year saw the beginning of the Cabanagem, the greatest
social revolutionary movement in Brazilian history. The mestizos and Indians led by Angelim were defeated
by the forces of the central government in a war lasting three years. Two thirds of the Amazonian
population were exterminated. The first rubber boom started around 1870. Within forty years,150,000
settlers in the northeast harvested 800 million kilos of rubber. After a bloody frontier struggle, Bolivia
ceded the border province of Acre to Brazil in 1903, against payment of £2 million sterling. In 1915, the
competition of British plantations in Malaysia caused rubber prices to slump to half their previous value.
The economic exploitation of Amazonia was temporarily halted.
The Disintegration of the Empire
The Ugha Mongulala have become a small nation. But we are an ancient people, the oldest in the world. For
many thousands of years, we lived on the Great River and in the mountains of the Andes. We never went
further, neither in war nor in peace, and we never went to the country of the White Barbarians. But the
White Barbarians have conquered our country and taken possession of it. They persecute us, commit evil
deeds, and have taught us many bad things. Before they crossed the ocean, peace and unity reigned among
the Chosen Tribes. But now there is constant war. The white settlers have advanced to the headwater region
of the Great River, and they steal our land. It is the best and the last land we have. In this land we were
born. We grew up here. My ancestors lived and died here; we also want to stay and to die here. The country
is ours. If the White Barbarians try to deprive us of it, we will fight as our ancestors fought and as it is
written in the chronicle:
The White Barbarians assembled. They took their arms and their animals on which they can
ride. Their warriors were numerous when they went up along the Great River. But the Chosen
Servants knew of their coming. They had not slept. They had observed their enemies while
they were preparing for battle. Then the White Barbarians set out. They planned to attack at
night when the Chosen Servants were worshiping the Gods. But they did not reach their goal.
Sleep overcame them on the way. And the warriors of the Chosen Tribes came and cut off their
eyebrows and their beards. They took the silver ornaments from their arms and threw them into
the Great River. They did this in retribution and to humiliate them. In this way they showed
their power.
At the beginning of the thirteenth millennium (the eighteenth century), the white conquerors inexorably
continued their advance. After the soldiers came the gold miners who searched the rivers for the glistening
stones. Hunters and trappers gathered the skins of jaguars and tapirs. The priests of the White Barbarians
erected temples under the sign of the cross. One hundred and fifty years after the arrival of the first ships on
the eastern coast, the Ugha Mongulala empire only consisted of the territories on the upper reaches of the
Great River, the regions on the Red River, the northern part of Bolivia, and the eastern slopes of the Andes.
Communication with the nation of the Akahim had broken off. The fortified frontier in the west lay in ruins.
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