Page 72 - Brugger Karl The chronicle of Akakor
P. 72

The Chronicle of Akakor
         3 TATUNCA NARA


         The development of the large oil deposits in the jungle regions of Peru ushered in the third phase of the
         economic opening up of Amazonia by white civilization. Peru now colonized the previously virginal
         territory of the Madre de Dios province, and Brazil decided on the construction of the Transamazonica. This
         further accelerated the extinction of the Indian tribes. They succumbed to the diseases of the white settlers
         and lost their last territories. Five hundred years after the discovery of America, the former forest population
         of 8 million has been reduced to a mere 150,000 survivors.

         The Plan of the Warlords

         When my father was still alive, he showed me the land in the east and in the west, and I saw no other people
         but the Ugha Mongulala and their Allied Tribes. After many years I went to look again, and I saw that alien
         peoples had come to deprive the rightful owners of their heritage. Why? Why did the Ugha Mongulala have
         to give up their country and roam over the mountains,

         wishing the skies would crush them? Once long ago, the Ugha Mongulala were a great people. Today only a
         few are left and they have nothing but a small area in the mountains. And they still have the Chronicle of
         Akakor, the recorded history of my people, the oldest people on earth. Until today, the chronicle was not
         known to the White Barbarians. Now I am revealing it to spread the truth, for this is my task as the chieftain
         of the Allied Tribes and as the prince of the Chosen People.

               Two years had gone by since the death of Sinkaia, the incomparable prince. And the Chosen
               Servants assembled, together with the German soldiers and the Allied Tribes. All classes and
               races assembled to take counsel and to seek for a way to save the people. And even those who
               had no houses and who walked alone through the forest, even they came to Akakor. For their
               need was great. The sun shone but faintly. The sky was covered with clouds. The people lived
               in poverty. They roamed the woods, fleeing their enemies. They lifted their faces to the sky.
               They implored the Gods. They begged for help in their struggle against the White Barbarians.
         A few months after I had assumed power in Akakor in the year 12,449 (1968) the fight at the western
         frontier flared up again with renewed force. The leaders of our enemies attacked the Allied Tribe of Black
         Hearts and took its chieftain captive. In this way they thought to discourage his warriors and to force them
         to renounce the alliance with Akakor. But once again the White Barbarians failed. In spite of their cruel
         torture, they could not subdue the warriors of this last and still loyal ally. Whenever an Ugha Mongulala
         was captured, he followed the rule of the warlords. He took neither food nor drink for seven days; then he
         commended his life to the Gods and died.

         To prevent the discovery of Akakor by airplanes, I gave orders to camouflage all temples, palaces, and
         houses with bamboo and reed matting. I had the watch-towers outside Akakor destroyed and replaced with
         pitfalls. After a few moons the capital had been overgrown by the forests to such an extent that even the
         Allied Tribes had difficulties in locating it. The access to Akakor was now completely closed to white
         hunters and prospectors. They found nothing but abandoned ruins on their forays. They suspected the work
         of evil spirits and retreated behind the frontier at the Great Cataract.

         But the "evil spirits" did not live in the forests; they lived in Akakor. The warlords of the Ugha Mongulala
         and the leaders of the German soldiers observed the growing power of the White Barbarians with terror.
         They planned a campaign to Cuzco, deep in enemy territory. They had already started on the necessary
         preparations. The Allied Tribes were also prepared. Only the prince’s approval had yet to be given,
         according to the bequest of the Gods. Despite the urging of both German soldiers and the warlords, I

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