Page 351 - Wilhelm Wundt zum siebzigsten Geburtstage
P. 351
Eye-Movements and the Aesthetics of Visual Form. 339
subsidary Systems of lenses was employed. The camera, upon a firm
table, was placed about 25 cm from the right eye and directed toward
it, although in all except a few cases to be mentioned later, the
curves and figures were observed binocularly. The light whose re-
fiection in the comea was to give the record was in every case placed
at about the height of the eye to the right at a distance of about
3.5 m.
Many of the earlier photographs were taken with the eye reflect-
ing the arc-light direct, the figure to be observed being placed midway
Fig. 1.
in the right angle between light and eye and camera. But with much
of an excursion of the eye the plate catches not only the comeal
reflection but troublesome moving >high lights« from the conjunctiva.
Subsequently a set of mirrors was used to avoid this trouble; but
the photogi-aphs without mirrors were clear enough to be used in
This new arrangement with which
confirmation of the later results.
all the records here reproduced (unless otherwise expressly indicated)
were taken, is shown in Fig. 1, where a mirror M, placed in front
of the camera c, and to the right, brings the diagram D apparently
close to the lens and yet far enough away from the eyes, E and L,
to permit an easy accommodation. For reasons that I shall speak