Page 358 - Wilhelm Wundt zum siebzigsten Geburtstage
P. 358

346                       G. M. Stratton.

         It  is at once seen that the records for the graceful line are not
      identical with those  for  tlie ungainly  one.  But we may  certainly
      say that the contrasting groups  of records  are immeasurably more
      alike than  are the two  original  curves  as  regards  their  aesthetic
      character.  The  lines  themselves  are  polar  opposites  aesthetically.
      Yet the paths  of  the eye in  the two cases seem to offer but little
      ground  for choice.  In both cases there  is the same broken, spas-

                      Fiff. 12.                  Fig. 13.

                      Fig. 14.                   Fig. 15.


                      Fig. 16.                    Fig. 17.

                      Fig. 18.                    Fig. 19.

                      Fiff. 20.                   Fig. 21.

      modic action, the same blunders in the course, the same hasty efforts
      at recovery.  If these marks are possibly more pronounced  in the
      case of the ugly form,  it is at most but slightly so, and by no means
      sufficient to account, by contrast, for the marked psychological anti-
      thesis in which the two forms stand.  From  this  it would seem far-
      fetched to  insist that the enormous emotional difference  in the two
      forms  is due to such  slight variations  of muscular Sensation, when
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