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P. 340

emitted,  invisible  for  them,  were  enough  to  hush  any  throat.  In  the  moment  in  which  the
               Princess was drawing the primordial Sign and the Dragon rose, a frightfulness scream sprouted
               from every mouth. Just over the turret, not so far from its roof, the sky moved along as if
               would have been torn a cloth.
                      A  black  aperture  was  now  clearly  visible  for  all  those  who  were  witnessing  the  weird
               phenomenon.  And  the  most  curious  and  abnormal  was  that  the  tenebrous  hole  occulted
               completely the Sun, even if this, for being much higher, should be seen from some far angle.
                      However  no  one  saw  the  Sun  anymore,  although  its  light  continued  illuminating  the
               midday  as  if  it  would  have  been  on  its  zenith.  It  is  comprehensible  that  submitted  to  such
               intense emotions no one worried about the luck of the Sun due to, meanwhile, the terror had
               paralyzed the cowards hamitic, the Kassites howled with fury elevating their fists towards the
               sky. Is due to the spectacle was impressive and justified any distraction. The monster of fire,
               after the Gates of Heaven were opened, had transformed completely. In a first moment seemed
               as though the frightful head had been introduced into the tenebrous aperture due to just a
               shining cylinder was visible, as a beam of fire that emerged from the turret and interned on the
               heights. But suddenly was evident that a metamorphosis was occurring and after a few seconds
               a  new  prodigy  was  offered  to  the  startled  sight  of  the  dwellers  of  Borsippa.  First  it  turned
               bulbous and then covered by protuberances, while its colour was changing dyeing brown; then,
               very quickly, the bulbs extended outwards and transformed in sharp branches covered of acute
               thorns and some green leaves; just some seconds later it became in a giant hawthorn tree which
               rose, extraordinarily, over the Ziggurat of the King Nimrod.
                      From  the  base  of  the  Tower  just  a  part of  the  trunk  and  of  the  superior  foliage  was
               possible to see, because the coup seemed to fade away inside the Door of Heaven whereas the
               root remained occult to the sight, in the interior of the turret. But what is worth to standout is
               that, once completed the metamorphosis, disappeared every trace of fire, energy or plasma, and
               the phenomenon stabilized without occurring more changes. It seemed then as if the hawthorn
               tree  would  have  been  always  there…  except  for  the  sinister  rift  of  the  Sky  that  suggested
               outrageously every kind of alterations anomalies of the natural order.
                      But  no  one  had  the  enough  time  as to  be  horrified.  Once  the  Sky  was  opened  two
               figures ran rapidly up to the last ramp, which guided to the terrace of the turret, and there,
               they tightened the arches pointing towards the Threshold. They were Nimrod and Ninurta, the
               King and the Brave General, the only warriors who possessed the armour of metal and that, for
               this reason, they advanced first, protected by the Elite of archers.
                      The King and the General were pointing their arches towards the mists of the aperture
               trying  to  distinguish  a  target  when,  suddenly,  two  figures  emerged  brandishing  enormous
               swords. The Demons, with aspect of «men of White Race», of five cubits high, seemed to be
               floating on the air, but in some way they obtained point of support due to they achieved to
               discharge their swords over the heroic archers. The blades lightened when furrowing the space
               but they rebounded without penetrating the armors of Nimrod and Ninurta. Nevertheless the
               impact made them roll stunned by the roof of the turret that was part of the last terrace.
                      A  rain  of  arrows  struck  over  the  «Immortal  Demons»  and,  even  if  many  of  them
               rebounded on their armors, many others penetrating riddling them. Both giants fell wounded

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