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P. 369

who were aparted from the Law of the Love, and Her Pomegranate Bleeding of Passion; and
               they have collected her tears and her Blood, for the Glory and Victory of the Golems’ Church
               and the Synagogue of YHVH Sebaoth, to give Testimony of the Chosen People’s Shekhinah,
               the descent of the Kingdom Malkhouth.
                      Days  later,  the  Golems  were  disposed  to  show  their  secret  move,  an  authentic  «card
               under the sleeve»: Friar Juan Pérez is the confessor of Queen Isabella; he can smooth away all
               the  obstacles  to  obtain  that  Quiblón  be  expressed  before  the  Kings;  and  then,  as  if  the
               Miraculous be interrogating, «who could stop you Holy Quiblón?» Thus, the Golem Juan Pérez
               goes to Granada and arranged the famous meeting; Luis Santangel and the Genoese Jewish
               bankers prepare to finance the enterprise that will be an infallible escape via for his brother of
               Race; and the Domini Canis, taken by surprise, nothing could do to this time to sabotage the
               plans  of  the  White  Fraternity.  In  April  of  1492,  Quiblón,  the  miserable  converted  Jew,  who
               shortly  before  lacked  from  attire  and  aliment,  claims  for  himself  and  his  offspring  the
               Admiralty of the Sea for the Crown of Castile, the Viceroyalty of all the discovered lands and
               countries to be conquered, the tithe of all the goods brought to Spain, booty or commodity, etc.
                      And  to  such  overreaching  exigencies  agreed  the  Kings  in  the  capitulation  of  April  1,
               1492, signed in the campsite of Santa Fe, in front to Granada. Is due to nobody, neither the
               Catholic Kings, can oppose the Verb of Metatron: Granada, the City of the Jews, has fell in
               power of the gentiles, analogously to what happened in Jerusalem, destroyed by General Titus
               1400 years before; and as then, now will overcome the Diaspora of of the Chosen People. But
               this time the dispersion would not endure too much; the Chosen People soon will be reunited
               and oriented towards its Destiny of Glory: for it the Order of Melzhidezec has sent Quiblón, the
               Holy Ancient has entrusted his Verb to him, and the Mother of God will guide his steps.
                      In 3 of August 1492, prescisely in the anniversary number 1422 of the Jerusalem’s siege,
               Quiblón left Puerto de Palos, in Huelva, with three Caravels that flaunted the Cross with the
               Order  of  the  Temple.  The  crew  is  composed  mainly  by  converted  Jews  and  they  carried  a
               Ladino, the Rabbi Luis  de Torres, who translates Hebrew, Aramaic  and Arab. Contrarily, no
               Christian Priest travelled in the ships. At his return, in 15 of March 1493, after he closed the
               door of the K’Taagar, opened the Gates of Paradise for his Golem and Jewish brothers, and
               have  initiated  the  Great  Sacrifice  of  the  Pagan  Populations,  Quiblón  went  directly  to  the
               Sanctuary Our Lady of the Ribbon: he must give thanks to the Mother of God her Guide and
                      The  Lords  of  Tharsis  understood  very  late  that  Christopher  Columbus  was  really
               «Quiblón», the Supreme Priest of the White Fraternity that Captain Kiev had warned. When all
               was clear for them, there was no remedy: The whole Spain, blind as Perseus, were prepared to
               be  precipitated  on  the  neck  of  Medusa.  They  were  defeated  by  a  man  that  they  had
               underestimated  since  a  beginning,  a  man  who,  ironically,  never  occulted  his  intentions  too
               much, a man, Dr. Siednagel, who signed S.A.M., i.e., Samekh, Aleph, and Mem, the initials of
               Quiblón which meant «S»hekhniah, «A»vir, «M»egatron, the triple immanent principle of the
               kabbalistic Rimmon Tree. Observe, Dr. Siegnagel, the facsimile of the sign of Columbus that I
               have attached, and you’ll check that to the left there is a Monogram formed by the Hebrew
               letters Beth and He, initials of the traditional salute Borush Hasheim¸and then S.A.M., in
               vertical column.
                      The points correspond to an Aramaic indication of «word», and the rest letters complete
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