Page 483 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 483

approaching  to  me  with  a  gesture  of  preoccupation  and…  vociferating.  Older  than  I
               remembered  from  such  night  of  my  childhood,  however  he  had  not  changed  too  much:
               undoudtedly my uncle Kurt!

                      His countenance was dejected and his voice painful, saying incoherences:

                      –You are my unique nephew and I almost killed you. I’ve shed my own blood! A curse has
               fallen upon me. O God, my end is near, why do you add this disgrace to my sufferings?...

                      You’ll  fine  Arturo,  my  son,  –continued  Kurt  with  plaintive  voice–  you’ll  be  fine.  The
               Ampej Palacios has revised you and he assures that soon you’ll be recovered. How could you
               forgive me, creature?...

                      Uncle  Kurt  continued  gibbering  his  complaints  and  apologies  steadly  while  he
               maintained that powerful blue gaze nailed on me.

                      Involved in a growing drowse, doing efforts to coordinate the ideas, I recognized in the
               tense countenance of my interlocutor the known features of my mother.

                      As astonished I was looking at him steadily seeking for something to say, when I heard
               clearly the canine sound of a growl. It reached to my ears coming from outside of the house and
               it had the virtue to achieve that the remembrances be crowding in my mind. The last thing I
               saw when I explored the ranch of Uncle Kurt made present as an overwhelming avalanche.

                      –W…hat, what were they? –I babbled, trying to contain the tremor that seized my entire
               body. In the countenance of Uncle Kurt a question went painted.

                      –How? –He asked disconcerted.

                      –Th… the beasts –I said doing an effort because I felt the tongue swollen and asleep.

                      –Oh,  the  dogs,  –Noticed  Uncle  Kurt–.  They  are  dogs;  dogs  from  the  Tibet.  Very
               particular Animals, authentic dogs. Perhaps the only species that deserves that name. They are
               extraordinary animals, capable to receive a semihuman training. –Involuntarilly I opened the
               eyes horrorized and Uncle Kurt at noticing it he apologized afflicted:

                      –What has happened with you is an accident. An incomprehensible accident from which
               I’m gulty. The dogs  attacked you  because I  ordered  it. Oh, God, only I’m responsible  of the
               greatest crime! I’ve shed my own blood!...

                      Unce  Kurt  began  to  repeat  the  previous  incoherences  while  I  was  falling  in  the
               unconsciousness. My eyes were going shutted to whom had came to visit with great illusion,
               transformed in a personage of a greek tragedy, for my imprudence and improvidence!

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