Page 181 - Planet Rothschild. Volume 1 : the forbidden history of the new world order, 1763-1939
P. 181

are killed.

               The  New  World  Order’s  murderous  war  against  Spain,  and  all  of  western
               civilization, continues.

                The King & Queen-to-Be were almost killed, in church, on their wedding day, by

                            yet another crazed Anarchist dupe of the New World Order.


               The Triple Entente (from French entente, "agreement") is a military alliance
               between the UK, France, and Russia, concluded after the signing of the British-
               Russian Entente in 1907. Of course, Rothschild Britain is not allying with Russia
               out  of  any  friendship.  The  Globalist  goal  is  to  draw  Russia  into  fighting
               Germany & Austria-Hungary from the east. After Russia, Germany, and Austria-
               Hungary exhaust themselves, all three former allies can then be subverted from

               within by Communists and/or liberals, controlled by the Globalists.

               The Triple Entente is the counterweight to the 1882 Triple Alliance (or Central
               Powers) of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Rothschild & Warburg agents
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