Page 191 - Planet Rothschild. Volume 1 : the forbidden history of the new world order, 1763-1939
P. 191
2-Young Turk leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk preaches Globalism: “ Mankind is
a single body and each nation is a part of that body.”
After 7 years in office, TR decides to not seek reelection. He entrusts his
'Progressive' agenda to his friend, William Howard Taft. Ever-hungry for the
limelight, the fake tough-guy with the childhood inferiority complex goes on an
African safari and again proves his manhood by killing every majestic creature
that he can point a rifle at. The numbers of animals that TR and his group,
including his son, kill for “science” is staggering.
More than 1000 large animals, including 512 big game animals and six rare
White Rhinos, are gunned down in TR’s great expedition. (29) Tons of salted
animals and their skins are shipped to Washington’s Smithsonian Museum,
which has to pass some off to other museums. When criticized for the shocking
number of animals so senselessly slaughtered, Roosevelt, in typical narcissist
fashion, replies: "I can be condemned only if the existence of the National
Museum, the American Museum of Natural History and all similar zoological
institutions are to be condemned". (30) Although the safari was ostensibly
conducted in the name of science, it was really a self-aggrandizing political and
social event as it was a hunting excursion. In 1910, TR, as expected, publishes a
book about his great adventure, African Game Trails. Theodore Roosevelt is
truly a sick man.
After a 10 year run of killing U. S. sailors and Philippine natives, ex-President
Roosevelt took to killing elephants, rhinos, giraffes and lions as a hobby.