Page 206 - Planet Rothschild. Volume 1 : the forbidden history of the new world order, 1763-1939
P. 206
A heavy drinker, Scofield later abandons his wife and two daughters. His wife
finally divorces the drunken crook in 1883.As so many con-men do, Scofield
then claims to have "found Jesus". He is ordained as a Minister and then claims
to have a Doctor of Divinity degree, but this degree is never verified.
After several mysterious trips to Europe and New York; Scofield publishes the
notated reference Bible that bears his name. The added side notes in Scofield's
Bible inject a very weird "End Times" prophecy into Christianity. Because of
Scofield's altered Bible, many Christians today believe that Jesus will return to
save his followers from the "end times" (The Rapture), only after Israel is
established, and that "God will bless those who bless Israel."
This biblical alteration, at the hands of a known criminal, marks the beginning of
a powerful force in American politics known as "Christian Zionism." Many
millions of "Evangelical" Christians have been mentally infected with Scofield's
poison. Christian Zionists are even more fanatical in their support of Israel than
the Jewish Zionists are. The Scofield Bible is very good for Zionism! The
question is; who did the con-man Scofield meet with while in New York and
Con Man Scofield warped Christianity to serve his paymasters. Christian-Zionist
pastors like John Hagee will later wield influence on Israel’s behalf.