Page 306 - Planet Rothschild. Volume 1 : the forbidden history of the new world order, 1763-1939
P. 306
Stalin's Jewish minister and brother-in-law, Lazar Kaganovich, the
Cathedral is dynamited and reduced to rubble. Jewish Reds watch and laugh as
horrified Christians grieve over the destruction of their religious and cultural
icon. Due to poor planning and lack of funds, the Palace of the Soviets never
materializes. The site is turned into a swimming pool.
In 1990, the Russian Orthodox Church receives permission, from what is by then
a more open Government, to rebuild the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Though
the interior is not as elaborate as the original, the massive new Cathedral is still a
very impressive structure.
Christ the Savior Cathedral was dynamited, but Jewish synagogues were
untouched. This is the same cathedral (since rebuilt) that will, in 2012, be
defiled by the U. S. / CIA -funded feminist band, "Pussy Riot."
MARCH, 1932
Because of his heroism, fame and family history of political activism, the anti-
Fed, anti-Globalist, Charles Lindbergh is someone the Globalists need to “keep