Page 328 - Planet Rothschild. Volume 1 : the forbidden history of the new world order, 1763-1939
P. 328
feed the balance of the people? What's Morgan and Baruch and Rockefeller
gonna do with all that grub?" (9) Long prepares to mount a 1936 challenge to
FDR from within the Democrat Party. But on Sept. 8, ‘35, Dr. Carl Weiss
confronts Long at the State Capitol and is said to have fired a bullet into Long's
abdomen. Rather than take Weiss alive, bodyguards shoot him 60 times! (He
won't be talking!) One theory is that Weiss was set up as a patsy to punch Long
in the face while a guard actually shoots Long in the back.
1: Long denounces FDR and the Eastern banking class.
2: Carl Weiss, the patsy "assassin" is needlessly shot to death (ala Lee Harvey
Oswald and John Wilkes Booth) 3: Long was actually recovering before his
condition "worsened'.
Like Cousin Teddy, the egomaniac FDR does not respond well to criticism. The
tyrant uses the IRS against a host of political rivals and opponents, ranging from
populist Sen. Huey Long (D) of Louisiana, United Mine Workers leader John
Lewis, Rep. Hamilton Fish (R) of New York, Chicago Tribune publisher Robert
"Colonel" McCormick, Philadelphia Inquirer publisher Moses Annenberg (a