Page 341 - Planet Rothschild. Volume 1 : the forbidden history of the new world order, 1763-1939
P. 341
AUGUST, 1936
The 1936 Olympics had been awarded to Germany before Hitler became
Chancellor. So despite the protests of Jewish groups, it is too late to take the
games away. The games showcase the new Germany. Visitors are impressed at
the spirit and positive outlook of the German people. Germany wins more
medals than any other nation, but black American Jesse Owens is the biggest star
of the games.
The German crowd cheers wildly for Owens as he wins 4 Gold Medals as both a
sprinter and long jumper. But the Zionist media uses Owens to vilify Hitler. It
was reported then, and repeated endlessly ever since, that Hitler "snubbed"
Owens because he was black, storming out of the stadium in a fit of rage when
Owens won his first race. This "snub" makes Hitler seem petty and rude in the
eyes of the world. But the story of the Owens' “snub” is a big lie.
Owens himself confirms that the “snub” story is a hoax, stating:
“When I passed the Chancellor, he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved
back. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour
(Hitler) in Germany.” (17) Years later, in his autobiography, Owens again
"Hitler didn’t snub me -it was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn’t even
send me a telegram." (18)