Page 355 - Planet Rothschild. Volume 1 : the forbidden history of the new world order, 1763-1939
P. 355
When the Treaty of Versailles dismantled Austria-Hungary, it combined Czechs,
Slovaks, Germans and Hungarians into an artificial state called
"Czechoslovakia". The German region (Sudetenland), lies south of Germany
and has 3.5 million inhabitants. Like the Austrians, The Sudetenlanders also
wish to unite with the Reich; but Czechoslovakia’s pro-Communist President,
Edvard Benes, will not allow it. The Sudetenlanders are politically
disenfranchised and severely mistreated by the Globalist-owned state of
Czechoslovakia. The role assigned to Benes is to pick a fight with Hitler; a
fight which will draw in the UK, France and the USSR.
To resolve the matter peacefully, Hitler calls for an emergency conference in
Munich with England, France, and Italy. The parties agree that the German
Sudetenland should rightfully be a part of Germany, and that the Slovaks will
have their own state (Slovak Republic 1939-1945). As the artificial
Czechoslovakian state is dissolved, Germany establishes autonomous
protectorates over what remains (Bohemia and Moravia). Again, without a
shot being fired or a drop of blood being shed, Germans are welcomed into
the Reich while other ethnic groups are given their own states; a win-win-win
for all parties!
As was the case in Austria, Hitler receives a hero's welcome upon visiting the
Sudetenland. UK Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain applauds the deal as
"peace in our time." But his rival, the drunken cigar chomping Winston
Churchill, and the Jewish Press denounce the deal as "Hitler’s latest conquest".
Simply for agreeing to what was fair and just, Neville Chamberlain has since
been unfairly branded by history as "an appeaser". In fact, a Google search of
just the term "appeasement" yields pages and pages of references and images
to poor Neville Chamberlain!
For his part, Benes relocates to Britain and becomes part of Churchill’s circle.
After the war, he will again serve as President of the Communist-dominated
government of a reconstituted Czechoslovakia; using his position to confiscate
the property of three million Germans.