Page 79 - Planet Rothschild. Volume 1 : the forbidden history of the new world order, 1763-1939
P. 79
The Panic of 1825 is a stock market crash that arises, in part, out of speculative
investments in Latin America. As is always the case, the crisis is precipitated by
the expansionary monetary policy – in this case from the Bank of England. This
fuels a stock market bubble. The inevitable tightening of money pops it.
The crisis leads to the closing of six London banks and sixty country banks in
England; but was also manifest in the markets of Europe, Latin America, and the
United States. Nathan Rothschild steps up to supply enough coin to the Bank of
England to enable it to stay afloat.
An infusion of gold reserves from the Rothschild-affiliated Banque de France
also helps to save the Bank of England from complete collapse. As if the family
didn’t have enough wealth and power. The House’s bailout / buy up of 1825
makes them even bigger!
The Bubble Game:
With passions inflamed by the Rothschild financial press, greedy fools get all
excited over easy money and rising stock prices. When the money supply is
tightened, the bubble inevitably pops and stocks crash. Rothschild then steps in
and buys everything up…..And the idiots NEVER figure it out.