Page 210 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 210
No Objection To Declassification in Full 2013/02/04 : NLC-1-9-1-2-8_
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BFCRET-BF.NSITIVE Washington December 21, 1978
\SS_Rvw Completed - Released In Full - Refer to DOS -11/13/12
1. Beagle Channel Conflict Looms Closer; General Viola
called in Ambassador Castro this morning to advise
him that in view of Chile's latest communique, Argentina
had no other option but to resort to military action.
The general went on to ask that the U.5. help explain
to the world why Argentina had no other recourse.
Castro recommended patience and pointed out that papal
mediation was still a possible option. Viola, however,
did not desist from his line that Chile's response
had terminated any prospects for further diplomatic
movement. (Buenos Aires 9958, PSN 54104)
2. Meeting with Von Staden on Cruise Missile Definition;
During a meeting with Deputy Secretary Christopher
yesterday, Ambassador Von Staden expressed his govern
ment's serious concern with the possibility that the
D.S. might consider agreeing that ALCMs on non-heavy
bombers would fall under the same limits as nuclear
ALCMs as a solution to the cruise missile definition
issue. He said the Germans would see serious problems
with such a solution, since a non-nuclear element would
be introduced into the SALT negotiations for the first
time. Von Staden asked whether such a solution would
create precedents for the Soviets to demand that other
non-nuclear elements be included in future negotiations
and whether the U.S. would share German concern that
the whole non-circumvention question would have to
be seen in a different light, with non-circumvention
applying to non-nuclear weapons. He also asked whether
the new U.S. language in the "Declaration of Intent"
could lead to a situation in which the Soviets could
demand nuclear elements not subject to the negotiations
be taken into account. Christopher assured Von Staden
that his questions and comments would be transmitted
to the U.S. delegation before .they left, and also pointed
out that if an agreement was reached, the President
would take great pains to make clear that what was
in the agreement and the protocol would not constitute
precedents for future negotiations. (State 320329
TOSEC 150002, NODIS Cherokee, PSN 54076) (S)
gnrnrT— uc0tA2SRE.
REVIEW ON DECEMBER 21, 2008 ELO. 1352b
NARA_JeJL__ Data
No Objection To Declassification in Full 2013/02/04 : NLC-1-9-1-2-8