Page 231 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 231
No Objection To Declassification in Full 2013/02/04 : NLC-24-54-8-39-5
November 5, 1979
SUBJECT: Evening Report.(U)
Bolivia. Faced with the alternative^ of increasing repression
or negotiating a face-saving exit. Col. Natusch 1b apparently
considering surrendering power to the Congress on the condi
tion that Guevara not be reinstalled as President. At Natusch's
request, the Congress has been called for a meeting. Guevara
said he will not step aside,and there is no readily available
consensus candidate in the wings. Stay tuned. (C)
Central America and the Caribbean. Worked on the FY 81 budget
with Poats and others trying to get it to reflect the kind of
priority which the President attaches to the region. Also worked
on a paper suggesting U.S. policy guidelines to the Caribbean
for use at the PRC meeting on Wednesday, (c)
Guatemala. Met with Dr. Gallardo, a leader of Guatemala's Social
Democratic Party. He recounted in great detail the efforts by
the military government to assassinate Christian Demo
cratic and Social Democratic political leaders. He also talked
about the extensive corruption in the military, and asked the
U.S. to withdraw our aid to the government. On Sunday, I spoke
before a group of country directors of the AFL's labor organiza
tion in Latin America. Several thought that the situation in
Guatemala was much more urgent than r had thought. They attribu
ted part of the social crisis to the union-busting activities of
right-wing U.S. businessmen in Guatemala. (C)
You Don't Look Jewish. Last week, Jacobo Timerman, the
Argentine editor whothe military recently released after a couple
of years in prison, told me that much of the Argentine military
believe that a world-wide Jewish conspiracy is at the heart of
the terrorist problem in Argentina, and that you are the head of
that conspiracy; Linowitz is your deputy, and Timerman was the
director in Argentina. He said ..that this organization chart can
be seen in a number of Argentine prisons. When Timerman pointed
out to his captors that you are a Pole and a Catholic, they said
that was only your alias. They "know" you are Jewish because
they studied the New York City phone book and found that a number
of "Brzezinski's" had Jewish first names! (c)
Press Contacts. None. (U)
Review onll/57ff5 Authority. NUL-
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