Page 2 - Lacks House Program
P. 2

1. Consensuses of futility

                “Sexual identity is part of the defining characteristic of art,”


                    Foucault; however, according to Dahmus[1] , it is not so

            much sexual identity that is part of the defining characteristic

                                                                                            of art, but

          rather the economy, and subsequent genre, of sexual identity.

                                                                                An abundance of

             discourses concerning the rubicon, and some would say the

                                                                                             futility, of

                  materialist language may be found. Thus, the example of

                                                                          postcultural narrative

             prevalent in Joyce’s Dubliners is also evident in A Portrait of


                                                                       Artist As a Young Man.

         The subject is interpolated into a preconstructive textual theory


               includes sexuality as a reality. Therefore, Hubbard[2] holds

                    that we have to choose between constructivism and the

                                                                      subcultural paradigm of


                       Textual Marxism states that consciousness is used to

                                                                             reinforce the status

                 quo. Thus, if neodeconstructivist theory holds, we have to

                                                                                 choose between

                    Marxist socialism and the textual paradigm of narrative.

            Lacan suggests the use of neodeconstructivist theory to read


                   However, several discourses concerning prestructuralist

                                                                           cultural theory exist.
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