Page 28 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes
P. 28

Trinity (Celtic) Knot

             The Trinity Knot is a variation of a traditional triangle knot
             drawn by the ancient Celtic scribes. Elegant and complex
             in appearance, it is an excellent knot for a chest harness.
             The two corner loops are perfect for accepting each end of
             the ropes that come out the third corner when wrapped
             around the body. It’s also the knot used to form the
             front/top portion of the Rope Panty.

             Rope length: Dependent on piece being tied
             Rope diameter:  / 8 inch to / 16 inch

               1                       2                        3                        4

             Begin by holding a small  While pinching the first loop  While holding the first and  While supporting all three
             bight above your hands and  securely with your left hand,  second loops securely with  loops between both your
             twist the right-hand side of  make a second small bight  your left fingers, create a  thumbs and forefingers,
             the bight over the left-hand  to the right, twisting it to  third small bight. Once  cross the dangling rope on
             side to create a        create a counterclockwise  again, twist it to make a  the left-hand side over the
             counterclockwise loop.  loop just like the first.  counterclockwise loop just  dangling rope on the right-
                                                              like the others.         hand side.

               5                       6                        7                       DONE

             Still securing the three loops  Poke the rope that passed  Fish the end of the dangling  There! Now you have a
             with one hand, fish the end  behind the top loop through  rope down through the front  Celtic Knot—that looks as
             of the dangling right-side  the second loop to create a  of the left-side loop and  good in rope as it does on
             rope up behind through the  small protruding bight. Now  weave it through the small  paper!
             third loop. Pull the rope  securely hold all the loops  bight that protrudes from the
             completely through. Then  with your right hand.  top loop.
             cross it behind the top loop.

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