Page 15 - Boss Projects Group Presentation eBrochure Flipbook
P. 15


                    PROJECT TEAM SPECIFIC

                                                              for  the  for  have  bringing  project  interior  specialist  and

                                                              propose  reflect  required  who  in  successful  the  of  managers,

                                                              we  will  skills  nature.  experts  experience  to  to  field  –  design  constructors,  managers.

                                                              Group  that  team  creative  in  small  interiors  scope  bring  the  in  construction  senior

                                                              Projects  a  and  or  big  extensive  similar  of  but  expertise  fit-out,  managers,  minded  focused

                                                              Boss  project  technical  projects  employ  only  projects  completion  specific  design,  facilities  technically

                                                              At  any      Boss  not            client  15
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