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         and                                                                       a diminished capacity when she was

                        to                                                         so vibrant and accomplished. Finding a
                                                                                   cure is not a wish; it is an imperative and
                                                                                   it is going to take tremendous financial

         President and CEO of UM St. Joseph takes to the dance floor               resources,” says Dr. Smyth.
         to raise funds for Alzheimer’s Association Maryland                      “I am so grateful for the support of so
                                                                                   many friends, family and colleagues
         “To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak.”                          who contributed to our efforts, through
                                              Hopi Indian Saying                   their kind gifts and their constant
                                                                                   encouragement. It has been both
         Medical care is evolving at a rapid   “In school, I competed in athletics but not   humbling and gratifying to see so many
         pace. New developments in technology   in the creative arts. Dancing is definitely   come together to fight this disease. The
         and discovery are changing the face of   not something that comes easy to me.    phenomenal generosity of the human
         medicine. To be successful in patient   I thought this would be a great way to   spirit is going to cure the devastation of
         care and outcomes, Thomas Smyth, MD,  show our staff that if I can go outside of   Alzheimer’s and other memory diseases.
         president and CEO of UM St. Joseph   my comfort zone, they can, too.”     Of this, I have no doubt.”
         Medical Center, tells his team that “the   The evening was celebratory but had a
         way it’s always been is not necessarily   serious side, too. “I chose the Memory   Left: Catherine Noblitt and Tom Smyth, MD
         the way it’s going to be.” Staff at    Ball because my mother suffers from   show off their dance moves.
         St. Joe’s are encouraged to “think   vascular dementia and I know the    Right: Catherine and Tom Smyth, MD win the
         outside the box,” and go beyond their   heartbreak that patients and their families   coveted Mirror Ball.
         comfort zone in finding solutions to   experience when any type of dementia   Below, front row: Sam Smyth,
                                                                                  Patrick Daschbach, Tina Smyth,
         challenging problems.               becomes part of their life. My mom is   Ann Marsh, John Smyth, Geri Smyth;
        “I realized that I needed to ‘walk the   such an important figure in my life and   back row: Tom Smyth, MD, Cheryl Finney,
         walk’ or more accurately, ‘dance the   was a role model for my siblings and   Leslie Huebeck, Autee Smyth, Dave Huebeck,
         dance,’” he smiles. On the night of    me growing up. It is hard to see her in   Francis Smyth, Stewart Finney, MD,
         April 28, Dr. Smyth and his professional                                 Catherine Noblitt, Vicki Deyesu
         dance instructor Catherine Noblitt,
         took to the dance floor and competed
         in front of more than 800 guests.
         The occasion: The Memory Ball, the
         Alzheimer’s Association Maryland
         Chapter’s largest fundraising event.
         Dr. Smyth and Catherine were
         competing to win the coveted
         Mirror Ball, achieved by meeting
         fundraising goals and showing off
         their dancing ability.

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