Page 12 - FEDUP_New Roadmap Card_For Web
P. 12

                                                                       looking for
                                           force needs a President, Vice President,
                                                                        you’ve been
                                           Every organization, committee, and task
                                           public officials that oppose liberty, etc.
                                           support for the local police, ballot security,
                                           Amendment, local public school issues,
                                           based on your interests, such as 2
                                           Call family/friends and start an organization
                                           than 1,000.
                                           organizations.  Conservatives have less
                                                                            YOU  are the Leader
                                           issue national, state, and local nonprofit
                                               5)  The Left has tens of thousands of single-
                                           it as you like.
                                           material is not copyrighted, so you can use
                                           material you can use for ideas.  Most
                                  will have lots of
                                           family and friends. and
                                               4)  Start a blog.  You can start small with
                                           re-tweet something most every day.
                                               3)  Build a big Twitter following and tweet or
                                           family, friends, etc.
                                               2)  Build an e-list and forward good articles to
                                           them and bring conservatives to power.
                                           is information and ideas about how to defeat
                                           mean, evil, and dangerous.  What you need
                                           activist, you know progressives/Marxists are
                                           cussing the liberals.  As a conservative
                                           In other words, we don’t take your time
                                           do to advance the conservative cause.
                                           information on what conservatives need to
                                           exclusively on providing ideas and
                                           and  We focus almost
                                               1)  Check-in regularly at
                                                   ways.  If so, email me at
                                                   Here’s my list.  Perhaps you can think of other
                                                   must make saving America part of our daily routine.
                                                   is on the horizon.  If we are to succeed, each of us
                                                   something we only think about when Election Day
                                                   to help save our wonderful country but this can’t be
                                                                                Panel 3
                                Panel 4
                                                                           Panel 10         YOU are the Answer  our cities.  building the wall.  •    Opposing tax hikes.  •    Stopping progressives/Marxists f
                                                       We’ll help You educate family, friends,                        the Democrats Want
                                 permanent residence status (e.g., a “green card holder”).  2.) This contribution is made from funds of the donor
                                                                                                                 a One Party Socialist USA
                   address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 per calendar year.
                                             shareholders, or officers of federal contractors.  5.) This contribution is made on a credit card or debit card of
                                       resident status in the United States.  4.) This contribution is not made from the treasury of an entity or person
                               By submitting this form, I certify that 1.) I am a United states citizen or an individual lawfully admitted with
                                    identified on reverse side, and not those of another.  3.) Donor is not a foreign national who lacks permanent
                                                the donor listed above for which the donor has legal obligation to pay and is not made on the card of another.
                                          who is a federal contractor (does not apply to personal contributions by subcontractors, employees, partners,
                To comply with Federal law, we must use our best efforts to obtain, maintain, and submit the name, mailing
                                                       and others bypass Big Tech censors
                      Name _____________________________    Address ___________________________________________
                         Employer _____________________________  Occupation ______________________________________
                                                       and the biased Big Media with strong                                       What YOU
                                                       conservative messages.                                                     Can Do to
        You can also go to our secure website: to make a credit card gift.
                                                                                                                                  Save America
                                                                                                                                  By: Richard A. Viguerie

                                           Your e-mail ________________________________________
                                                                                                            I’m regularly asked by friends, acquaintances,
                                                         Social Media         Books &         Social        and strangers, “what can I do to save
                                                       (Facebook, Twitter,  News Articles   Gatherings      America?”
                                                         YouTube, etc.)                                     This usually follows a speech by me or a
                                                                                                            conversation about the threat to America from
                                                                                                            the progressives/Marxists.
                                                                                                            There can be no compromise with today’s
                                                                                                            Democrats because what is at stake is the
                                                                                                            future of Constitutional Liberty.  With
                                                           E-mail          Talking to       Brochures       Democrats in control of the U.S. Senate and the
                                                                           Neighbors                        White House, the political debate is no longer
                                                                                                            about how many employees the Department
                                                                                                            of Agriculture should have or whether to
                                                                                                            spend money on Defense or Welfare.  The
                                                                                                            New Democrats have made it clear they hate
                            Retired?  _______ Yes    _______ No
                                                                                                            the America that you and I love and intend to
                                                                                                            fundamentally remake our government and its
                                                         Talk Radio       Letters to       Hard-Hitting     traditional powers.
                                                                         The Editor           Videos
                                                                                                                    We are in a CIVIL WAR
                                                                                                            In a very real sense, the New Democrats
                                                                                                            have declared WAR on the Constitution as
                                                                                                            it has been understood for 245 years, and on
                                                                                                            those who hold conservative beliefs about the
                                                                                                            liberties protected by the Bill of Rights.
                                                        Postal Letters   Conservative        Phoning
                                                                           Bloggers      Family & Friends
                                                                                                                     Paid for by FedUp PAC.
                                                                                                               Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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