Page 2 - March-2019
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               (4) RW BRO.V.G. MADHUSUDAN (5) RW Bro. A.K. Sharma

               W.M.       W.BRO.VIKRAM KAPOOR                IPM         W.BRO.DEEPAK ARORA
               S.W.       BRO. H.S.GANDHI                    J.W.        BRO.R.K.GUPTA
               CHAPLAIN   R.W.BRO. OM KAPOOR                 ASST. SECY.   W.BRO.MOHIT SINGH
               TREASURER   W.BRO.P.C.NARANG                  ASST. D.O.C.   W.BRO.P.K.HANDA
               SECRETARY   R.W.BRO.M.S.MANN                  ALMONER     W.BRO.I.S.SIDHU
               D.O.C.     R.W.BRO.VISHAL BAKSHI              ORGANIST    BRO.A.P.S.MANN
               SR. DEACON   BRO.HEMANT SINGH                 I  GUARD    Bro. Chetan Gupta
               JR. DEACON   BRO.KUMAR M. SHARMA              STEWARD     Bro.Rajiv Ratan
               BR. Of VSL   RW Bro. H J SINGH,               TYLER       V.W.BRO.K.JAGANATH RAO
                          W.BRO. YATENDER SHARMA
                                                             SWORD BR.   W.BRO.G.B.SINGH
               AUDITORS    W.BRO.P.K.HANDA

                     2015    RW BRO. M.S.MANN                  2015-2016   W.BRO. P.V.RAGHUNANDAN
                     2016-17   RW BRO. H.ARKANWAL JEET SINGH   2017-18    W.BRO.DEEPAK ARORA

            1.  To open the Lodge
            2.  To  Salute the W.M.
            3.  To greet, welcome, our Inspection Officer.
            4.  To read the Summons convening the meeting.
            5.   To read and if approved, to confirm & sign the minutes of the Regular  / Inspection Meeting held on 10th
                January, 2019
            6.   To adopt the minutes of the Lodge Committee Meeting, held if any.
            7.  To Ballot for Initiations:-
                    a) Wg. Cdr. Gurmeet Singh Sandhu, VSM (Retd), DOB: - 15-07-1953, R/o: #41, Hargobind Enclave,
                         Delhi-92. M.No.:89206 52482 Email:, proposed by RW Bro. M.S. Mann &
                          seconded by W.Bro.P.C.Narang  in open Lodge on 13th December, 2018.
            8.  To initiate above mentioned candidates into the mysteries & privilege of Freemasonry.
            9.  To offer birthday greetings to the following brethren born during the period between 10th January to 14th
                                    Best  Wishes  and  Fraternally  Greetings  on  your  Birthday
                 Bro. H.S.Gandhi          16th Jan    RW Bro. Harkawaljit Sngh          26th Jan

                RW Bro. D.S.Sikand        1st Feb     RW Bro. Vishal Bakshi             25th Feb
                RW Bro. M S Mann          1st March   Bro. Munish Gupta                 5th March

            10.  To honour the Charity plate.
            11.  To  transact any other business properly brought forward.
            12.  To make Triple enquiries.
            13.  To Close the Lodge.
            14.  National Anthem.
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