Page 13 - conan_doyle_memoirsofsherlockholmes_the_horse_one
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had the same for supper with no ill effects. Which  man of the world, Colonel, you know that men do
              of them, then, had access to that dish without the  not carry other people’s bills about in their pockets.
              maid seeing them?                                We have most of us quite enough to do to settle our
                                                               own. I at once concluded that Straker was leading
                 “Before deciding that question I had grasped
                                                               a double life, and keeping a second establishment.
              the significance of the silence of the dog, for one
                                                               The nature of the bill showed that there was a lady
              true inference invariably suggests others. The Simp-
                                                               in the case, and one who had expensive tastes. Lib-
              son incident had shown me that a dog was kept
                                                               eral as you are with your servants, one can hardly
              in the stables, and yet, though some one had been
                                                               expect that they can buy twenty-guinea walking
              in and had fetched out a horse, he had not barked
                                                               dresses for their ladies. I questioned Mrs. Straker
              enough to arouse the two lads in the loft. Obvi-
              ously the midnight visitor was some one whom the  as to the dress without her knowing it, and hav-
              dog knew well.                                   ing satisfied myself that it had never reached her, I
                                                               made a note of the milliner’s address, and felt that
                 “I was already convinced, or almost convinced,  by calling there with Straker’s photograph I could
              that John Straker went down to the stables in the  easily dispose of the mythical Derbyshire.
              dead of the night and took out Silver Blaze. For
                                                                  “From that time on all was plain. Straker had
              what purpose? For a dishonest one, obviously, or
                                                               led out the horse to a hollow where his light would
              why should he drug his own stable-boy? And yet
                                                               be invisible. Simpson in his flight had dropped his
              I was at a loss to know why. There have been
                                                               cravat, and Straker had picked it up—with some
              cases before now where trainers have made sure of
                                                               idea, perhaps, that he might use it in securing the
              great sums of money by laying against their own
                                                               horse’s leg. Once in the hollow, he had got behind
              horses, through agents, and then preventing them
                                                               the horse and had struck a light; but the creature
              from winning by fraud. Sometimes it is a pulling
                                                               frightened at the sudden glare, and with the strange
              jockey. Sometimes it is some surer and subtler
              means. What was it here? I hoped that the contents  instinct of animals feeling that some mischief was
              of his pockets might help me to form a conclusion.  intended, had lashed out, and the steel shoe had
                                                               struck Straker full on the forehead. He had already,
                 “And they did so. You cannot have forgotten   in spite of the rain, taken off his overcoat in order
              the singular knife which was found in the dead   to do his delicate task, and so, as he fell, his knife
              man’s hand, a knife which certainly no sane man  gashed his thigh. Do I make it clear?”
              would choose for a weapon. It was, as Dr. Wat-      “Wonderful!” cried the Colonel. “Wonderful!
              son told us, a form of knife which is used for the  You might have been there!”
              most delicate operations known in surgery. And it
              was to be used for a delicate operation that night.  “My final shot was, I confess a very long one. It
              You must know, with your wide experience of turf  struck me that so astute a man as Straker would not
              matters, Colonel Ross, that it is possible to make a  undertake this delicate tendon-nicking without a
              slight nick upon the tendons of a horse’s ham, and  little practice. What could he practice on? My eyes
                                                               fell upon the sheep, and I asked a question which,
              to do it subcutaneously, so as to leave absolutely
                                                               rather to my surprise, showed that my surmise was
              no trace. A horse so treated would develop a slight
              lameness, which would be put down to a strain in
              exercise or a touch of rheumatism, but never to foul  “When I returned to London I called upon the
              play.”                                           milliner, who had recognized Straker as an excel-
                                                               lent customer of the name of Derbyshire, who had
                 “Villain! Scoundrel!” cried the Colonel.
                                                               a very dashing wife, with a strong partiality for
                 “We have here the explanation of why John     expensive dresses. I have no doubt that this woman
              Straker wished to take the horse out on to the moor.  had plunged him over head and ears in debt, and
              So spirited a creature would have certainly roused  so led him into this miserable plot.”
              the soundest of sleepers when it felt the prick of
                                                                  “You have explained all but one thing,” cried
              the knife. It was absolutely necessary to do it in the
                                                               the Colonel. “Where was the horse?”
              open air.”
                                                                  “Ah, it bolted, and was cared for by one of your
                 “I have been blind!” cried the Colonel. “Of   neighbors. We must have an amnesty in that direc-
              course that was why he needed the candle, and    tion, I think. This is Clapham Junction, if I am not
              struck the match.”
                                                               mistaken, and we shall be in Victoria in less than
                 “Undoubtedly. But in examining his belongings  ten minutes. If you care to smoke a cigar in our
              I was fortunate enough to discover not only the  rooms, Colonel, I shall be happy to give you any
              method of the crime, but even its motives. As a  other details which might interest you.”

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