Page 5 - Yon's message
P. 5

“Ko yon, once again so happy for you. Finally dapet kerja juga  all the
 best di Brisbane ya ko, it's not gonna be easy since you will face a huge
 adaption there but it will definitely bring an incredible journey and experience.

 Keep faithful and I pray more of Him will be revealed to you. Thanks for

 everything ko. I learn so much from you even though you may not know it  At   Hai Yon, udah dapet kerja ni ye, semoga lancar ya bro kerja nya,
 last, let God always be the centre of everything in your life. Reach many people   semoga dpt jodoh di sana haha kita brtmu lagi di bali :) God
 there and hopefully you find another community as soon as possible ya! See you   Bless Yon hehe”- Ivan

 when I see you ” – Monic

              “Yoyo! What a shocking news knowing you are leaving in real soon. But
              anyway, congratulation on your new job, you did it man finally! You are an
 "All the best Yonathan for the next journey in Brisbane, hoping that you
 will fulfil your passion and your dreams, and let God be in control for   awesome friend I know, good company, and I learn so much from you in
 your future. God Bless you bro, we will miss you for sure" - Mike   the past few years. All the best there. Keep serving God there. Hope you

              can find a new good community there. Take care my friend and keep in
 “Congratz Yon for the new Job... We will miss you in the caring   touch. I will find you when I am there! “ – Bobby
 ministry. Thank you for ministering together, I have been blessed and
 encouraged, by your passion through ups and downs.

 God has opened new chapter in your life with different possibilities,
 circumstances, and priorities. “Whatever you do, work at it with all   Utk ko yonathan, sblmnya aku mau berterima kasih bgt karna
 your heart, knowing that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord   koko yg pertama kali ngajak join FA and welcoming bgt. Koko
 as your reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Col 3   jg selalu membantu aku supaya lbh comfortable lg ngobrol sama
              yg lain jg. Terima kasih jg udh bersedia tmptnya di pake utk
 God bless you and come here often… ”-Felix (Caring and   FA dan aku merasa diberkati di setiap FA yg ada. Aku percaya
 Infodesk team)   ini rencana yg terbaik dr Tuhan utk koko. Smoga koko bs
              tambah sukses dan enjoy kerjaannya disana. Jg bs menjadi
              berkat buat lbh bnyk org lg. God is always be with you and

              congrats buat jobnya” – Adrian
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