Page 71 - A Woman Is No Man
P. 71

though he’ll climb a woman’s back to get there. Don’t let anyone tell you
                     “But Khaled seems like he loves you so much,” Isra said.

                     “Loves me?” Fareeda laughed. “Look at all I do for that man! I spread a
                full sufra for him every day, wash and iron his clothes, scrub every inch of
                this house so he can be at ease. I raised his children, these men and this girl,
                all while he was away. And you say he loves me?” Her eyes shifted to Isra.
                “Learn this now, dear. If you live your life waiting for a man’s love, you’ll
                be disappointed.”
                     Isra felt sorry for Fareeda. How tired she must have been raising her

                children alone in a foreign country, waiting for Khaled to come home and
                love her. She wondered if that would be her fate as well.
                     “Do  all  the  men  in  America  work  this  much?”  she  asked,  folding  a
                white T-shirt.
                     “I  used  to  wonder  the  same  thing  when  we  first  came  here,”  said
                Fareeda. “Khaled worked so many hours a day, leaving me alone with the

                children,  sometimes  until  midnight!  I  was  angry  with  him  at  first,  but  I
                realized it wasn’t his fault. Most immigrants in this country work like dogs,
                especially the men. They have no choice. How else can we survive?”
                     Isra  stared  at  her.  Surely  Adam  was  different,  not  like  the  men  of
                Khaled and Yacob’s generation. Things were hard right now, yes, but soon
                that would change. “Will Adam always work this much?”
                     “Oh, you’ll get used to it,” Fareeda said. “Soon you’ll have children,

                and there will be other things to worry about.” When Isra only looked at
                her, eyes widening, she added. “Believe me, you’ll be thankful he’s at work
                and not at home telling you what to do. I  want to rip my hair out when
                Khaled takes a day off. Do this, do that. It’s a nightmare.”
                     But that’s not the kind of relationship Isra wanted: she didn’t want to be
                like Mama or Fareeda. She knew things were hard now because they barely

                knew each other. But surely everything would change when they became
                parents. Adam would have a reason to come home then. He would want to
                see his children, hold them, raise them. He would have a reason to love her.
                She turned to Fareeda. “But Adam will be home more when I bear children,
                     “Oh,  for  goodness’  sake,”  said  Fareeda,  her  legs  unfolding  and  then
                folding again. “Don’t be a fool. Have you ever seen a man stay home to

                help raise children? That’s your job, dear.”
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