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           Financial Innovation for Water Cooperation

           Rationale                                          would be an important element of the way forward. Such
                                                              incentives would induce parties to prefer collaborative
           The importance of transboundary water cooperation has been   approaches to nationalistic ones whenever and wherever
           already emphasized in this report. However, it is necessary to   possible, which would also generate direct financial benefits.
           develop sustainable financial mechanisms specifically aimed   Collaborative projects mitigate the risk of protests by one of the
           at promoting water as an instrument of peace to foster further   countries due to wider ownership, reduce the overrun of costs,
           transboundary water cooperation.                   and thereby increase returns on investments.

           There is a growing commitment to fund the water sector; the   Innovative financial instruments are needed to further promote
           challenge is to channel some of this funding to collaborative   cooperation in shared basins. Some such instruments do exist.
           projects, which bring riparian countries together and generate   There is now a clear need to build on this experience in order
           growth that also promotes peace, stability and cooperation.  to increase the scale and coverage of financial support to
                                                              international water cooperation and water diplomacy.
           Transboundary water infrastructures, such as dams and
           irrigation systems that constitute the most important projects   Innovative financing can help achieve SDG 6.5.2, aimed at the
           in this context, are currently financed by a variety of public and   expansion of transboundary cooperation in all shared river
           private actors. The guiding color of the current financing is black,   basins by 2030. This financing can also be helpful in achieving
           to ensure that the project balance sheet is black and does not   SDG 6.5.1, which seeks to promote IWRM.
           turn red. Thus the existing, strong domination of “black bottom
           lines” leads to a heavy emphasis on the techno-economic   Many Shades of Blue
           viability of the project, without much concern for International
           Water Law or the impact of the project on neighboring countries.   There are many starting points for introducing financial
           When designing financial policies, it is necessary to add a shade   innovation to support water cooperation.
           of green for environmental sustainability and a shade of blue for
           transboundary cooperation and peace.               First, as the ESG Principles (environmental, social and
                                                              governance factors) become widely accepted in the financial
           Global guidelines for the financing of major water projects in the   community, they should be extended to transboundary water
           transboundary water infrastructure sector, with International   cooperation.
           Water Law principles at the center, would enable this change
           to occur. If major political and financial actors and donors agree   Second, the riparian states, river basin organizations and water
           on the basic normative framework of their funding policies, the   coordination committees of regional economic organizations
           design process would support a high level of international water   can prepare Joint Investment Plans. Some institutions in Africa
           cooperation.                                       and Latin America are already doing this, but such cases are still
                                                              rare. There is thus a scope to expand Joint Investment Plans in
           It is important to address the challenges of financing   basins around the world.
           transboundary water infrastructure with an understanding of
           the basic problems that need to be resolved. These include the   Third, conventional sources of finance can be easily utilized for
           need to define an appropriate legal framework and the relevant   capacity building and institution building. This type of funding
           technical standards and solutions to technical problems, assess   is not generally available for large infrastructure projects, but it
           the needed financial requirements, manage the interests of the   can be used for enabling and preparatory activities, which pave
           stakeholders, define the role of river basin organizations where   the way for significant cooperation.
           such organizations exist and, above all, help in building trust
           among the cooperating states and reduce political risks.   Fourth, non-traditional donors, such as China, India and
                                                              Islamic countries, are showing growing interest in supporting
           These challenges need to be addressed comprehensively in the   water infrastructure in the developing world and should be
           preparatory phase, together with the necessary environmental   encouraged to  support  transboundary  cooperative projects
           and social impact assessments. Transboundary infrastructure   rather than national projects. This funding can be harnessed for
           projects involve complex preparations, a process that also needs   large infrastructure such as dams, irrigation and navigation.
           funding, and should ensure that projects are bankable, a key
           requirement for their completion. Thus, it is essential to invest in   Fifth, several options in the current multilateral space can be
           this stage to ensure the quality of the preparatory phase.  explored in a new way.

           The  development  of  blue  instruments of  preferential  and   In short, financial innovation can be based on existing
           concessional finance for transboundary water infrastructure   opportunities that provide the occasion to introduce many shades

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