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A Matter of Survival

           enable participation, relevant information and exchange of data   New and old sources  of finance,  including the Asian
           for all stakeholders, including civil society groups.  Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Islamic Development Bank,
                                                              and development assistance programs of emerging economies
           An appropriate level of transparency and data sharing should   should give priority to collaborative projects.
           be provided from the early stages of the project. The process
           should involve relevant governmental departments and   New instruments such as the Blue Fund should be created to
           agencies, businesses, civil society organizations and the   provide preferential and concessional finance to subsidize interest,
           scientific community.                              insurance and related ancillary costs of large infrastructure
                                                              projects for the countries that are willing to work together in a
           We recommend that governments guarantee the necessary   collaborative way to develop transboundary water projects.
           multi-stakeholder dialogue platforms. In order to enable effective
           operation of these platforms, it is essential to invest systematically   The  private sector should  be  encouraged  to  develop
           in water education and water management at all levels.  innovative financial instruments such as blue bonds to finance
                                                              transboundary water cooperation.
           More generally, states should include water education in their
           educational systems in order to build the necessary knowledge   The problem of preparing bankable projects should also be
           and awareness regarding water use as well as to build the   addressed by offering a neutral, independent “safe space,”
           capacity of citizens to participate in water policymaking.  through pre-negotiation opportunities at an early project
                                                              development stage, with the aim of addressing the major
           Best  practices of inter-sectoral  water  cooperation should be   implementation issues early and proactively. This would help in
           studied and lessons learned used in future projects. This should   ensuring an adequate quality in the preparation of projects.
           gradually contribute to the development of a set of global
           standards on inter-sectoral water management.
                                                              7. In Pursuit of Agency: New Mechanisms of
           The UN Global Compact, exercising its Waters Mandate, should   Water Diplomacy
           be instrumental in developing a Voluntary Code of Practice on
           Water Management.                                  We recommend the establishment of the Global Observatory
                                                              for Water and Peace (GOWP), an international facility of hydro-
           6. Financial Innovation for Water Cooperation      diplomacy with the aim of facilitating, promoting and energizing
                                                              diplomatic efforts to leverage water for comprehensive peace.
           The international community should create financial and other
           incentives to promote transboundary water cooperation in a   The Observatory should focus specifically on facilitating
           sustained and significant way.                     cooperation in situations of potential tension in order to preempt
                                                              its escalation through joint vision development, confidence
           The riparian countries in transboundary watercourses, lakes   building, and exploring  options  for  peaceful  solutions.  In
           and aquifers should use conventional sources of finance for   the implementation of its mandate, the Observatory would
           institution  building,  capacity  building  and  similar  activities.   cooperate closely with regional water centers and other relevant
           Preparation of transboundary infrastructure projects should be   organizations.
           high quality and aim at making the projects bankable.
                                                              The Global Observatory for Water and Peace should play an
           The international community should encourage riparian   advisory role and catalyze the understanding of the political
           countries to undertake Joint Investment Plans.     importance of water cooperation. It should also facilitate, as
                                                              necessary, the possibilities for fact finding and good offices, while
           The international financial sector should gradually include   the established mechanisms for the settlement of international
           transboundary water cooperation in the expanded ESG   disputes will be available to states that ultimately make the
           principles. Ultimately, the ESG framework should include the   relevant choices.
           Blue Peace framework and serve as an incentive for investment
           in transboundary water projects.                   The GOWP would participate in efforts to create a “safe space”
                                                              for financing of transboundary water projects by promoting early
           An international task force should be established to assess the   consultations among the relevant stakeholders, with the aim of
           evolution of sustainable finance practices and their application   addressing design and implementation issues of such projects
           to transboundary water cooperation.                in a proactive way, and by helping to generate innovative ideas,
                                                               confidence and a joint vision of transboundary water cooperation.
           The  multilateral  development organizations  should  consider
           collaborative projects on a preferential basis and spread   The Co-Convening Countries of the Panel and other like-minded
           awareness of facilities. One example is the regional funds of the   countries are invited to consider initiating the establishment of
           International Development Association, which should promote   the Global Observatory for Water and Peace after having studied
           transboundary water infrastructure projects.       this report and having defined specific niches for its activities.

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