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Annex VI
Regional Expert Input, Thematic Roundtables, Consultations and Group of Friends
All relevant information on the inputs to the reflection of the Panel can be found on the website of the Geneva Water Hub,
Secretariat of the Panel. The Secretariat wishes to thank all the experts that have provided insightful inputs to the Global
High-Level Panel on Water and Peace.
Thematic Roundtables convened by the Geneva Water Hub in Geneva
“Cooperation and Benefit Sharing in the Senegal Niger River Basins”, on 24 September 2015;
“The Protection of Water During and After Armed Conflicts”, on 14 June 2016;
“Promoting the Effectiveness of International Water Law in Support of Security and Peace”, on 26 October 2016;
“Intersectorality and Conflicts”, on 1 November 2016;
“Refugees and Access to Water: Challenges and Responses”, on 3 February 2017;
“Financial Incentives for Water Cooperation”, on 27 February 2017;
“Hydro-Diplomacy for Water, Peace and Security - Beyond Shared Water Management”, on 28 February 2017;
“Data for Water, Peace and Security”, on 20 March 2017.
As a part of the research process, the Strategic Foresight Group consulted experts and officials in London, New York, Washington, D.C.,
Moscow, New Delhi, Brazzaville, Nairobi, Panama, Paris, Ankara, and Entebbe on the issues examined by the Panel.
Regional Experts at the Global High-Level Panel Meetings
First Meeting, Geneva, 15-16 November 2015
Consultations with Permanent Missions and Permanent Observers to the United Nations and to the other international organisations as
well as with international organisations in Geneva
Second Meeting, Dakar, 5-7 April, 2016
Laurent Bergeot, Director General, Water Agency for Adour Garonne, France
Tanor Meïssa Dieng, African Network for Basin Organizations (ANBO)
Jean François Donzier, Director General, International Office for Water, France and Executive Secretary, International Network of Basin
Organizations (INBO)
Kabiné Komara, High Commissioner for OMVS and former Prime Minister of Guinea
El Hadj Lansana Fofana, High Commissioner, OMVG
Alain Poncet, Director General, Compagnie d’Aménagement des Coteaux de Gascogne (CACG), France
Bai-Mass Taal, Executive Secretary, African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW)
Cheick Taliby Sylla, Minister of Water and Energy, Guinea
Nana Toure-Sy, Sub-Regional Platform Coordinator (Dakar), UNDP
Third Meeting, San Jose, 7-9 December, 2016
Lilliana Arrieta, Manager of the Central American Network of Engineering Institutions (REDICA) – Member of Capacity Development in
Sustainable Management (CAP-NET)
Maximiliano Campos, Senior Chief for the Integrated Water Resources Management Division at the Organization of American States (OAS)
Miriam Hirezi, Executive Secretary, Trifinio Plan
Nazareth Porras, Regional Coordinator, Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, International Union for
Conservation of Nature
Cletus Springer, Director of the Department of Sustainable Development at the Organization of American States (OAS)
Fourth Meeting, Amman, 3-4 May, 2017
Mohammad Al-Najjar, Member of Senate, former Minister of Water and Irrigation of Jordan
Shahab Araghinejad, Deputy Director of Tehran Water Institute, University of Tehran
Seyed Peyman Badiei, Director of Tehran Water Institute, University of Tehran
Natasha Carmi, Policy Advisor, Palestinian Negotiations Support Project
Dr Munther Haddadin, Member of Senate and former Minister of Water and Irrigation of Jordan Eng.
Dr Elias Salameh, University of Jordan
Mohammadreza Shahbazbegian, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
Mr Michael Talhami, Regional Water & Habitat Advisor (Near and Middle East), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Abdel Rahman Tamimi, Director-General of Palestinian Hydrology Group for Water and Environmental Resources Development