Page 88 - Student Hand Book - Scaffolding - L&T CSTI Serampore
P. 88

Failure  to  install  all  required  components  such  as
         base Plates, connections, and braces

         Failure to use all of the proper scaffold components is a

         serious safety problem. Workers are more likely to cut cor-
         ners when  scaffolds  are  only  a few  frames in  height.  All

         too frequently they fail to install base plates, braces, prop-
         er securing devices such as “banana” clips or “pig tails” at

         the pins of frame scaffolds,  and  adequate  tie-ins.  Those
         erecting the scaffold must have all the necessary compo-
         nents,  and  must  use  them  to  ensure  that  the  scaffold  is

         safe.  Furthermore,  workers  should  install  these  parts  as
         the scaffold erection progresses.                                           No Toe board

         Moving rolling scaffolds in the vicinity of overhead Electrical wires

                                            Scaffolds  seldom  make  contact  with  overhead  electrical  lines,
                                            but  when  it  does  happen  it  almost always  results  in  a fatality.

                                            Failure  to  maintain  safe  distances  from  overhead  powerlines
                                            while moving scaffolds is a major problem. Before attempting to

                                            move  rolling  scaffolds  in  outdoor  open  areas,  check  the  route
                                            carefully to ensure that no overhead wires are in the immediate

                                            Partial dismantling may be necessary in some situations to en-
                                            sure  that  the  scaffold  will  make  the  required  safe  clearances

            Unsafe movement of scaffold     from overhead powerlines. Hoisting scaffold material by forklift
         or  other  mechanical  means  requires  careful  planning  and  should  be  avoided  in  the  vicinity  of
         powerlines. Transporting already-erected scaffolds by forklift, particularly in residential construc-

         tion, has been the cause of many electrical contacts  — this is a dangerous practice. Workers
         handling materials or equipment while working on the platform must also take care to avoid elec-

         trical contact.

         Minimum distance from powerline is listed below:-

                   Voltage rating of powerline                          Minimum distance
                   750 volts to 150000 volts                             3 meters (10 feet)
                   150001 volts to 250000 volts                         4.5 meters (15 feet)
                   Over 250001 volts                                      6  meters (20 feet)

         Moving rolling scaffolds with workers on the platform.

         Moving rolling scaffolds with workers on the platform can be dangerous. Where it is impractical

         Participant Handbook : Scaffolding                                                                   88
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