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VAREP is a HUD approved Counseling Agency:

     Homeownership Coaching/Counseling

     USA Homeownership Foundation, Inc. DBA Veterans Association of
     Real Estate Professionals (VAREP) a HUD- approved housing
     counseling affiliate agency. We are dedicated to making low and
     moderate income servicemembers and veterans part of
     neighborhood revitalization across America by providing a full range
     of programs and services that encourage, create and support
     Our goal is to make you “mortgage-ready” so you can purchase a
     home. As part of this, we provide the following services to individual
     or/and group settings:
     o  Pre-purchase counseling/coaching, our certified counselors
         can help you get on the path to homeownership and answer
         questions like:

             ▪   What does my credit score need to be in order to qualify
                for a home loan?

             ▪   What is the best way to shop for a home loan?

             ▪   What should my mortgage payment be in relation to my
                monthly income?

             ▪   Are there hidden costs to homeownership that I should
                know about?

     o  Financial counseling/coaching on topics such as
         budgeting/savings, the importance of good credit and financial

     o  Post-purchase counseling/coaching for existing homeowners, as well as for new homeowners who recently closed on
         their mortgage loan. This counseling will make you aware of available resources for sustainable homeownership.

     o  Foreclosure Avoidance counseling/coaching to assess your situation and provide recommendations for your next
         steps. We will serve as your advocate to help obtain the best solution available.

     Note: While our focus is on the active-military and veteran communities, our services are also offered to all eligible low-to-
     moderate income (LMI) families that want to realize the American Dream of homeownership.


       How Can I Contact the VA?

       Regional Loan Center Contact Information:
       St. Petersburg Department of Veterans Affairs VA Regional Loan Center 9500 Bay Pines Blvd. St. Petersburg, FL 33708 (Mail: P.O.
       Box 1437, St. Petersburg, FL 33731)

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