Page 10 - New Mexico Winter 2021
P. 10

                                            FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
   Dear Members,
By now you should have received your Incentive Award checks that were mailed out by US Bank on Thursday, November 18th. The award sheet showing what each place paid in the four categories will be posted on our website and in our newsletter in addition to this issue of our magazine. We did have
to forfeit some awards due to noncompli- ance with the rule that states owners have
to be a member within 90 days after their NM Bred horse running 1st, 2nd or 3rd. The office has worked extremely hard to
let people know about this requirement by sending letters and membership applications to non-members as well as trying to reach people by phone. We also have this posted on the overnights and have advertised this in our magazines and newsletters. Please help
Name: Address:
Mail To:
4836 Hardware Dr. NE Suite B Albuquerque, NM 87109
us to spread the word to new owners. The awards totaled $2,449,985.13 and this was up $506,631.40 from last year. The funds were up and without having racing for four months this year, and the individual awards were larger as well.
Congratulations to all the connections of the New Mexico Cup winners! I really enjoyed visiting with many of our members at our booth and getting to watch the horses run at Zia Park. We had a Board of Trustees meeting the day before Cup Day on October 30, and had a really nice turn out. Thank you to Bill Belcher for his hospitality and for setting up the meeting area, my booth, and for supplying the refreshments for our meeting.
We are planning to have another online stallion auction in December, so keep an eye out for our notices in your email. Last year was our first one and it went well. Thank you to Annette McCloy and Verner Query for your help and to all the stallion owners and managers who are donating a breeding to our association.
We will be participating in AgFest this year on January 25, at the Santa Fe Conven- tion Center from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This will give us a wonderful opportunity to meet our legislators and for them to get to know us and about what we do. Thank you to Norma Alvarez for all her help on this.
Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 27, 2022. I have reserved
a meeting room at the Sheraton Uptown located at Louisiana & Menaul in Albu- querque. The Mail In Ballots were due on December 6. By the time you receive this magazine the ballots will have already been mailed out. Don’t forget to return them
in the envelope provided with your return address by the deadline. We will go by the postmark. You must sign your ballot in the designated area at the bottom of the form. The ballot will have the member’s name printed on it, so only that member can use that ballot to vote. If your ballot is not signed or is postmarked after the deadline, it will not be counted. If someone submits their membership after December 7, or misses the deadline to return their bal-
lot, you may vote in person at the Annual Meeting. We will not be accepting ballots by email or fax.
I am happy to welcome Amber Martin back to the office as our new registrar!
She started working on October 29, and has been working like crazy to keep things caught up!
Happy Holidays! Mary Barber
Executive Director NMHBA
     505-262-0224 or fax 505-265-8009
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