P. 170

Now taking 2021

         individual, society &

           corporate bookings

        he championship golf course at Mount  Mount Juliet Estate also has a new fleet of top
     TJuliet Estate was designed by golfing  of the range golf cars that have been added
     great Jack Nicklaus and continues to be  to the estate, which are best in class offering a
     regarded as the leading championship  smooth drive and comfortable seating – in ad-
     parkland layout in Ireland. Set across the  dition to the newest smart technology avail-
     492 acres of Mount Juliet Estate, this clas-  able with the i3 Visage system. Warm up in
     sic course has been the selected venue  style at our academy overlooking the cham-
     for three  Irish  Opens,  two American  Ex-  pionship golf course. The academy is fully
     press World Golf Championships and the  equipped with two putting greens, a chipping
     Shell Wonderful World of Golf series.      green and a 30 bay grass range.
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