Page 137 - The Golf Society Bible 2022
P. 137


              GOLF RESORTS           Glasson Lakehouse, is also   luxury four-star hotel  and golf
                                     under  full  renovation  with   resort which is owned and run
         ATHLONE                     plans to boost the facilities and   by PREM Group. Situated on
         Beautifully situated overlooking   superior offering at the hotel. In   the shores of the Blessington
         Lough Ree, the former Glasson   a bid to becoming a true leisure   Lakes against the backdrop
         Hotel  &  Golf  Club  changed   hub for the midlands, the plans   of   the   majestic   Wicklow
         hands  in  2019  and  was   for Glasson Lakehouse are   Mountains, the resort enjoys a
         renamed Glasson Lakehouse.   big. A great destination for   peaceful, rural location yet it is
         Developed   as   a   golfing   your next golfing staycation, a   easily accessible and is just 45
         destination around the previous   short jaunt from Athlone town,   minutes from Dublin city center.
         owners’  fine  old  family  home,   a fantastic place packed full   The 18-hole championship
         Glasson Lakehouse is home   of history and entertainment.  golf course should present
         to  the  award-winning  Glasson                         plenty of challenges to golfers
         Golf Club, which has justifiably   WICKLOW              of all ability, with a number of
         earned   an    international  Tulfarris  Hotel  &  Golf  Resort   holes  flanked  by  the  beautiful
         reputation as one of the    is one of most popular      Blessington Lakes. Set across
         most challenging, scenic and   destinations  for  ‘play  &  stay’   three peninsulas and designed
         premier parkland  golf  courses   packages   in   Ireland.  The   by  renowned  course  architect
         in  Ireland.  The  four-star  hotel,   County  Wicklow  resort  is  a   Patrick J. Merrigan,

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