Page 7 - The Golf Society Bible 2022
P. 7

 SMART   PRO 3000


         M       otocaddy, the world’s   “We regard Motocaddy as the   between   yards   &   metres;
                                     ultimate caddie company, so
                                                                plus an automatic standby
                 big g e st-se lling
                 electric trolley brand,
                                     laser  rangefinder  was  the
         has launched the premium    developing a heavily-featured   mode  after  10  seconds.
         PRO  3000  Laser  Rangefinder   logical next step for us after   Easy-to-hold   with   textured
         as its latest move into the   adding GPS distance to our   rubber grips, the PRO 3000
         distance measurement device   top-of-the  range  trolleys,”  comes  as  standard  with  a
         (DMD)   market.  Seen  as   said  Motocaddy  Marketing  premium hard-shell carry case
         the perfect addition to the   Manager,  Oliver  Churcher.  with  carabiner  bag  clip.  In  a
 NEW 2021  award-winning   Motocaddy                            world-first,   the   exclusively
         product range, the PRO 3000                            designed case also attaches
         is quick and easy to use and   Featuring a high-resolution LCD   to a Motocaddy Accessory
         offers accuracy to less than   display, a pin can be locked on   Station for quick and easy
         a  yard  with  class-leading  7X   from  450  yards  away.  It  also   access out on the course.
         magnification  at  a  range  of   includes slope compensation   Compact  and  lightweight,  the
 POWER A T YOUR FINGERTIPS   1,300 yards. Featuring cutting-  (competition  legal  with  slope   PRO 3000 is also rainproof.
 The world’s most intelligent golf trolley is stylish, compact-folding   edge  PinLock  technology  with   disabled) to account for any
 & packed with game-enhancing features. The revolutionary new    vibration  and  visual  undulations;  background
 M5 GPS offers fast & accurate, fully-integrated GPS through a    confirmation,  the  PRO  3000   noise  filtration  to  make  it  Available from €329.99 -
 super-responsive 3.5” touchscreen display, plus smartphone alerts   ensures  the  golfer  can  always   easier to lock onto a target; an  for more information visit
 & new cutting-edge cellular technology for ultimate connectivity.
         trust the distance and better   adjustable eyepiece for clearer  or
 FIND OUT MORE  MOTOCADDY.IE  #M5GPS  prepare for their next shot.  visuals; the ability to toggle  follow @MotocaddyGolf.

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