Page 19 - MGS 2020 Bible Online
P. 19

BOOK YO UR                                                                         19

       2 0 2 0 O UTING S

            GOLF        18     15     17     19     16             GOLF    TEE          BOOKING
          COURSES      MAR     APR    JUN   AUG    SEPT    DATE   COURSE  TIME    FEE    DOC

                       10.00   10.30  14.00  14.00  10.00          Grange
            Tulfarris   €20    €25    €25    €25    €35    18 March  Castle  10.00  €28
                       09.40   10.00  11.00  20.00  10.00
          The Heritage  €35    €42    €47    €47    €47    15 April  Heritage  10.00  €42
                       10.00   10.20  10.00  11.00  11.45
          Luttrellstown  €25   €30    €30    €30    €30
                                                           17 June  Rathsallagh  10.20  €30
                       10.00   11.00  10.20  10.00  10.00
          Rathsallagh   €30    €30    €30    €35    €35
                                                           19 August  St.  13.00  €30
                       10.00   10.00  10.00  12.00  14.00          Margarets
           Moyvalley    €30    €35    €35    €35    €30
                                                             16   Lutterstown  11.45  €30
         Grange Castle  10.00  10.00  13.00  11.00  14.00  September
                       10.00   10.45  10.00  13.00  10.00    11    Tulfarris  10.00  €20
          St. Margaret’s  €25  €32    €32    €30    €32    November
                   RECEIVE A QUOTE                          BOOK YOUR OUTINGS
       Booking Steps

              1                     2                     3                     4

      Contact the MGS sales  Let us know the dates  Our sales team will  Using the table provid-
      team by phone         and courses that your  email you a list of   ed, simply pick out the
      (01-9041130), email   society would like to  options (see above)   courses that your so-
      (  play.               within 24 hours.      ciety would like to play
      or log onto the My Golf                                            on each date.
      Society website.

              5                     6                     7                     8

      Our sales team will   Print off and bring your  Enjoy your golf    Receive your Free
      book the requested    confirmation docu-     outings!              Gift after your
      outings and send you   ment along with you                         societies 4th outing
      full written confirma-  to each outing.                            takes place.
      tion for each outing.

               CALL                           EMAIL                          ONLINE
             01-904 1130          
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24