Page 35 - DEC 2018 proof The Castle Pines Connection
P. 35

Plenty of
“hoopla” at
BRE Sock Hop
Article and photos by Patte Smith
Fourth- and  fth-graders ran circles around each other hula hooping while they danced at the annual BRE Sock Hop. While no 50s or 60s music played, the kids twirled to the music of Juice Wrld and Fall Out Boy, among other new artists. Fifth-grade teacher Mrs. Parker was rocking with the students to “Macarena” and other favorite line dances. The kids were thrilled to take a break to enjoy root beer  oats and other goodies. Many of the girls dressed in 50s fashion and a few guys had the old school white T-shirt and jeans. The kids jumped, jived and participated in a Hula Hoop contest. It was a fun night for all.
RHMS teachers and staff learn to “Stop the Bleed”
Information and photos provided by Michele Hardin
Seventh-grader Matthew Hardin coordinated an educational class called “Stop the Bleed” for teachers at RHMS as part of his Eagle Scout project.
Trauma is the leading cause of death for Americans under the age of 46. The national average for emergency medical services response times is six to nine minutes, but it only takes about  ve minutes for a person to bleed to death from a major traumatic wound. According to the Department of Homeland Security, there have been more than 250 deaths of students and teachers in our country’s schools since 2000.
“Stop the Bleed” is a national awareness campaign and call-to-action. It is intended to cultivate grassroots e orts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives, since bystanders are generally the  rst on scene during a trauma.
As part of his Eagle Scout service project, Matthew Hardin – seventh-grade Castle Pines resident and Life Scout in Troop 365 – brought a Stop the Bleed course to his teachers and the sta  at Rocky Heights Middle School (RHMS) November 6. Matthew believed his project would not
only bene t his school and community, but possibly save lives. Eighty- ve people attended the course, which was taught
by David Hardin, MD FACS. David
is Matthew’s father and a local trauma surgeon.
All participants received training and hands-on practice in tourniquet application and wound packing. In addition, participants received a certi cate by the American College of Surgeons recognizing their successful completion of the course. With the course concluded, Matthew will now work with the school nurse checking the  rst aid kits throughout the school to ensure the kits are up to date and update them as needed so they will be ready in case of a traumatic emergency.
To learn more about Stop the Bleed, visit
Teachers at RHMS practiced emergency medical procedures in an e ort to be better prepared in case of a traumatic emergency.

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