Page 22 - FEB 2019 proof 4 - The Castle Pines Connection
P. 22

22 Our masthead
In May 2014, the masthead of the The Connection newspaper changed from “The Castle Pines Connection” to “The Connection Castle Pines.” A subtle change, but one that was more inclusive of those residing in the 80108 ZIP code without “Castle Pines” in their name. Plus, most people refer to us simply as “The Connection” anyway, so it made sense. Then, in January 2018, we rebranded and updated to the masthead we currently use.
... AND NOW:
Looking for the Bulletin Board?
Check the
E Guide insert for all things eating, entertainment and events!
Did You Know?
Every story in The Connection (with the exception of our front- page story) starts and ends on the same page.
No annoying “continued on page XX.” This hopefully provides for a more enjoyable reading experience and also bene ts our business partners who want long- term exposure to their ad and the content on the page.

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