Page 91 - OKCC40
P. 91

교회 설립 40주년에 함께 드린 기도

               Oh most sovereign God, Creator and Ruler of all things,
               Thank you for planting our church
               which started small and weak and for leading us to this day.
               We believe that our church’s worship, mission, fellowship and education are
               carried out through Your preordination and providence.
               May our church incessantly be filled with worship, Your word, prayer, and praise.
               As we celebrate our church’s 40 anniversary,
               help us to be more faithful to the mission that You have entrusted to us.
               Let us love one another, serve each other and the world,
               preach the gospel to the ends of the earth, and grant us wisdom, power,
               and the gift of the Holy Spirit to be able to realize justice.
               Let us be a fountain of love to our neighbors who are in midst of hate,
               fear, and despair. Help us to be a shelter of love to visitors and outsiders.
               May we be the protector of discriminated women and ignored neighbours.
               Help us to be a harbour for refugees who have lost their homeland and sovereignty.
               Help us to be healers of the abused earth and heaven.
               May we be seedbeds of faith and life to our children and youth who grow like sprouts.
               The past 40 years of our church’s history has been written with Your help and grace.
               Your providence and grace are necessary in the 50 year of the Jubilee and
               the next 40 years.
               Please take away everything that weighs us down,
               and help us to advance following only You.
               This earth, the heaven, this world, and our church all are Yours.
               We pray in the name of Jesus the head of the church. Amen.
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