Page 19 - Jan Feb 2018 Order Form
P. 19
the slugheree NOteBOOK
hedgehog PaL
This simple knit becomes a lovable pin cushion, too!
‘I submitted What’s your favourite yarn Essentials… end of row. Ss 3 rows, leave blue
to Work With?
a proposal to a It’s always been Rowan, especially its skill level marking thread at each end of last row.
shape front legs: Work as hind legs
Felted Tweed range. I’ll often buy balls
publisher – I had of it even if I have no particular project nnn from ** to **. Leave blue marking thread
at each end of row. Ss 2 rows.
in mind. I just like to display them and
nothing to lose’ see them on my shelf. measurement shape head: 23rd row: [P2, p2tog] to
Sitting height 5.5cm/2¼in end – 15 sts. 24th row: K. 25th row: [P1,
sachiyo on becoming an author p2tog] to end – 10 sts. Ss 3 rows.
Who is your favourite hand-
knitting designer, Would you say? materials 29th row: [P2tog] to end – 5 sts. K 1
Small amounts of Rowan Tweed DK
tiny triumphs knitting spaces are renoWned Debbie Bliss. I fell in love with her book, * row. Break yarn, draw through sts, pull
clockwise, from top for being super messy – hoW do Toy Knits, some years ago. I had no idea (100% wool) in Grey (Bedale 581) tightly and fasten off.
left: sachiyo excels you keep everything from that knitted toys could be stylish, until then. and Brown (Reeth 596)
Pair of 2¾mm (No. 12) or 3mm
at felting small becoming a bit tangled? It certainly sparked my imagination and * spikes
creatures, including I wish I had a better organising system, to without it I’d not be where I am today. (No. 11) knitting needles With Brown, cast on 10 sts.
the tiniest mouse; be honest. Not only with yarn, but I have * 1st row: K.
Large sharp-pointed needle
all aboard a knitted lots of other craft materials, too. My son, if you could design absolutely * 2nd row: Kfb in each st to end – 20 sts.
Toy stuffing
train; some of her Yukinori, 16, made a really clever coffee anything, What Would it be? 3rd to 14th rows: K.
latest creations, ready
for sale; it’s all in the table with shelving units last year for his I would love to fill a whole window abbreviations 15th row: K2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. K 1
detail when it comes GCSEs, and that has helped me organise display at a large department store in k, knit; p, purl; st/s, stitch/es; kfb, knit row. Repeat last 2 rows, twice more, then
to capturing her work some of my yarn stash. London with lots of knitted things! Also, into front and back of next stitch (increase work 15th row again – 12 sts. Cast off
for her book; her Life I quite fancy a knitted amusement park 1); ss, stocking stitch (knit on right side, working k2tog at beginning and end.
of Pi-inspired knit; do you take projects With you – wouldn’t that be fun? purl on wrong side) tog, together
working at home in When you go aWay? ears (make 2)
the dining room Yes, of course, my work never leaves my What advice Would you give to How to make… With Grey, cast on 6 sts.
side. And it’s perfect because my small those Wishing to become 1st row: P.
projects are really portable, with teensy designers themselves? body 2nd row: [K2tog] to end – 3 sts.
quantities of yarn and short DPNs. Well, I have no formal knitting With Grey, cast on 10 sts. Break yarn, draw through sts, pull
tightly and fasten off.
1st row (wrong side): P.
qualifications – none at all. So, if I can
hoW do you hone in on your next do it, you can do it, too! 2nd row: Kfb in each st to end – 20 sts.
design project? 3rd row: P. Leave a red marking thread to make up
I am surrounded by so much inspiration, at each end of row. Fold each leg at each side of body,
all day, every day. When I walk through stay iN tOuch shape hind legs: ** 4th row: Kfb, k to matching markers and join. Gather
town, when I flip through books and last st, kfb – 22 sts. cast-on edge on body, pull up tightly and
magazines, when I look in shop windows, Words FREDDIE PATMoRE photo SIMoN WhITMoRE find sachiyo’s 5th row: P. secure. Join row-ends at each end of
everywhere! New ideas are always instagram feed 6th row: Kfb, k to last st, kfb – 24 sts. body from gathered end to legs, leaving
buzzing around in my brain. For @knitsbysachi, or 7th row: P. tummy open. Stuff and close the opening.
example, both felted designs and sugar visit her website, 8th row: K2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. Sew spikes and ears in position. With
craft are always great to look at closely,, Repeat last 2 rows, once more – 20 sts. Brown, make French knot for eyes and
as their simplified structures often for lots more. ** Leave a red marking thread at each embroider nose with short back stitches.
translate fabulously to knit designs.
<#A#> Love to KNIT& CROCHET Love to KNIT& CROCHET <#B#>